The Ueharas

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"My name is Aku Sera, this is my brother is Altair, and this is the Vongola's leader, Giotto."

It felt like a key has unlocked. For the first time, memories came in like a flood. A voice, rough as if untouched, echoed. 

"I'm Aku, from the Sera family. A pleasure to meet you."

"Altair, would you to join us? The Sera family is no more."

Tsuna looked at the twins, now united in memories. Conan looked at Kaito, vice versa. The thief then assumed Altair, nodding as the Uehara head watched them silently. Yui was shocked.

The elder Uehara then bowed before Conan, startling Yui further. "It's an honour to meet you, Shingen-sama."

Conan could hear the chorused gasp behind him as he shook his head, his small hand resting on the bigger man's shoulder. There were things only he knew as he was the last to leave. "No, please rise. I am merely a child now. It is I who should be bowing to my respected elders."

The boy's eye whites remained dark, but they were warmth and understanding, leaving no room for argument. The elder paused for a moment before straightening himself, folding his hands behind his back and his imposing aura returned.

"What is your purpose for being here?"

Conan stared firmly, holding his ground. "We'd like to go to the basement."

The man narrowed his eyes at Conan. He still was unable to wrap his head around the idea that his ancestor stood before him. His child appearance made it hard for him to digest. If they said that the man was the ancestor, it would be easier to believe. 

The child began again. "My wings are clipped, but if I could, I would like to free my brother from the chains."

Tsuna looked taken aback, while Kaito's poker face fell back in place. His expression gave no clue to what he felt inside, but he felt terribly conflicted by Conan's words, remembering what Kawahira told him in his last visit.

His true 'curse', as you call it, is to suffer the guilt forever. 

Kaito clenched his fists. Conan MUST get the ring. He cannot be the only one. The night rings come in a pair, not individually. However, before he could confront the boy, the Uehara senior nodded his head. With his hand upon his heart, he finally greeted the trio. It was as if something in Conan's statement was the keyword that put everything together for the Uehara elder. 

"My name is Uehara Nobuyuki. Please, follow me, Shingen-sama."

Conan dipped his head gratefully, not missing the disbelief in Yui's eyes. He gave her a meek smile, not slowing at all before disappearing down the alley after Nobuyuki. 

The three adults stood at the door, stunned–

"Altair, get your butt here!" Conan's voice rang. 

Kaito jumped, then sheepishly looked at the two. He understood right away why only his name was mentioned. Giotto and Yui were not to follow them. Yui might be an Uehara descendant, but without the permission of the first, she is not to follow. It was just like the Sera family. 

"I guess the Sera's still live, just not in name," Kaito carelessly remarked. 

Tsuna's eyebrows lifted, his mind already in full drive trying to understand what his moon guardian just said. The silver eyes of Kaito continued to hold for a moment before the man tore away to chase after his brother. The detective curiosity in Yui could not help but ask:

"What was that supposed to mean?"

One look at Yui was all Tsuna–Giotto needed to decide whether to tell her. 

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