The moon arrives

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The trip to Beika was near fruitless, the duo concluded. While they had received their subtle confirmation from the boy himself, something else was bothering the brunet the whole time he was there.

"Reborn, did you notice?" He asked, leaving the question vague deliberately. The hitman knew what he was referring to.

"Of course. I'd say it's almost like they want you to notice." Reborn replied.

The train sped through the night silently, masking no sound from their surroundings. They could hear the breathing of each passenger, the shuffle of fabric as someone changes their sitting posture. The tapping of shoes against the carpeted floor. Reborn wondered why Tsuna did not want to book a private cabin. They have the funds to do so.

The door connecting the cabins then slide open. A woman wearing red pumps walked in, her heels clicked rhythmically. Tsuna's intuition stirred alive. It was the same gaze from back at the park when they were speaking to Conan.

Click, click, click. She stopped next to them. Without looking at them, pretending to be invested in her phone's games, she whispered. 

"Do you know why Edogawa Conan acted that way?" She seemed to have said. Tsuna's intuition blared at him to look at her. So he did. 

Brown eyes stared at silver ones–the colour soon dissolving into a dark shade of blue. He gasped and shot up from his seat. 


"Now that is rude. Would you like me to sit down or should we continue our conversation like this?" 

There was a tug on his shirt. Reborn coughed into his fist, his cheeks tinged red like a real boy embarrassed by his big brother. Tsuna sighed and stretched out his hand to gesture the girl to the seat facing them. The girl squealed as she shuffled to the seat.

As soon as she sat down, something very peculiar happened. Everything around them seemed to blur and contour–the space started to distort. As if they were in a planetarium observatory dome, stars started to fill the ceilings too, and it looked familiar. It was like the mist's dome that Daemon conjured, but brighter and translucent.

Reborn whipped out his gun almost immediately and pointed its muzzle at the girl–who was no longer a girl.

In front of them sat a male who had his legs crossed suavely. His hair was as dark as the night sky with strands of silver splayed in between, and his eyes were an abnormal shade of grey, teetering near the colour of silver. It was not an image, but the real person. He had a playful smirk on his face, and Tsuna's body reacted. His hair turned completely blond and his eyes turned lighter.

The man mirrored Reborn and pulled out a unique gun, a maniacal grin adorning his features. "Your weapons do not work in my space, sun arcobaleno. Now now, ease that nasty smirk you have there–whoa! Bad boy! I'm gonna tape you to the ground if you don't pack that dangerous toy away–hey hey! I'm serious about all my threats! Can't have you commit violence in my house!"

In a flash, Reborn's hands were in chains and his entire body was wrapped in duct tape. The man dusted his hands and blew the muzzle of his own gun, despite shooting nothing. Even though Reborn's movements were still nearly invisible, the adult dodged all of his attacks with ease.  

"Who the hell are you?" The hitman snarled, displeased about the situation he is in. He glared at Tsuna, daring the other to laugh. The blond cracked a smile.

With one quick brush through his hair, the man's hair faded into a pleasant shade of brown. His eyes turned blue again. His overall appearance made his two companions gasp in shock. The resemblance is absolutely uncanny. Their only differences were the hairstyles and eye colours. Tsuna's hair and eyes returned to their original colour. The man stood up gracefully and bowed theatrically with his arm across his chest. 

"My name is Kuroba Kaito. Moon Guardian, Altair at your service."

Ignore the fact that he called himself the Moon guardian. Did they mention that he was the spitting image of the one Kudo Shinichi?!

A/N: Kaito is a man. I rest my case.  

So here's how Conan looks like when he's manifesting Aku –

If you want to, you can follow my account for the other character redraws that I will be posting in the near future

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