Kudo Shinichi, right?

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By Timoteo's request, Reborn returned to Japan to tell Tsuna the news. They could not tell him by phone in fear of interception, and Iemitsu was on a mission too inconvenient for him to fly home.

He had to know who the two were reincarnated as, and whether the guardians had dreams as of late about the two.

It was a mystery why these two people were hidden from the records, but Talbot had shed some light on the two shrouded figures. Their positions on the portrait were vague hint of their ranks and job scopes. One thing, however, was definitely clear.

They were not meant to be known.

Thus for ten generations in the last two centuries, no other Vongola leader knew about these secret roles.

Another bunch of questions arise. Why were they hidden? What caused the painting to reveal these characters? What were these coloured flames and what were their uses?

Who are these wielders?

So they went back to the beginning of the files and looked at the first of the first generation's return. With Shamal's help, he was able to access birth records of every hospital (as the sleazy man was one of the leaders in the international medical profession (no such thing in reality)).

"There has to be more than these if those two were reincarnated as well!" Reborn scowled as he scrolled through the hospitals' data bases.

"Dammit, why are there so little clues?" He grumbled. Just then, he recalled a crucial clue of each reincarnated guardian.

The eye colours before they transformed into the regular ones.

With that in mind, he found what he needed. No surprise, the two were born in wealthy, famous families. When the phenomenon happened, the hospitals were told to keep them a secret, and the news was not released. Unlike the other cases, when one of them appears and gets reported in the news, thinking that it was likely a new kind of genetic mutation, these two were hidden from the crowd by especially protective parents. One of them was in the spotlight for a year before disappearing, while the other was a famed neighbourhood magician who performed regularly in the neighbourhood parks.

To have both of their files privatized was a well-made decision by the parents, but torture to the others. Shamal probably never knew about these two.

Talbot never explained the gimmick of the painting, nor did he explain the flames. However, he said, "they shine on the truth like the moon and the stars at night in the most unorthodox ways."

Sounds like an investigation team. An investigation team with a twisted spin.

Reborn alighted from the plane and headed for the taxi stands. There was no need to inform Tsuna about his arrival—the boss must always anticipate surprises. He boarded a taxi, gave the driver his destination, then leaned back quietly with his fedora tilted down.

"Oh, don't you dare take the longer route. I must get to my destination within the shortest timing. I'll give you less than thirty minutes to bring me to my destination," He commanded. He heard the driver squeak in reply and the vehicle started to drive. Reborn took out his phone and clicked on the private files he kept.

"Kudo Shinichi," he mumbled, then he smirked. "What a coincidence."

- Sawada's house -

"G, my family will be hosting guests this week," Tsuna said.

"Guests?" Hayato repeated. "Are they family friends?"

"No," Tsuna replied. "The ones staying over are my maternal Aunt's family, who are also my only kin relatives around. My cousin would be staying in my room. I've cleaned it up to the best of my abilities, and I would sincerely appreciate it if you don't destroy my hard work."

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