The Moon's Burden

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Daemon and Alaude were two sides of the same coin. They were constantly at each other's throats, throwing incessant complains, as well as breaking into fights. Giotto remembered the days they destroyed the living room to satiate their blood lust–but that was before they built a training room.

They both have their best friends too, coming in the form of ex-enemy brothers. Daemon took a liking to Altair, while Aku was assigned to Alaude.

"I am not liking the fact that I actually have more memories that were locked. I preferred when I didn't have this much knowledge." Mukuro lamented, pressing his head against Chrome's shoulder. Lambo resisted the urge to shiver while muttering complaints of his own about the siblings in front of him. Ryohei and Kyoko are spending time with their family and were not around to keep the boy in check.

Lambo groaned aloud and turned to Hayato to whine.

Mukuro and Chrome may be lovers in their previous lives, but here, they are the closest siblings one could ever find. Touchy even.

Tsuna sighed, turning his head to look at the illusionist. "Altair never wanted us to remember him, I believe. He had his memories when I met him, and usually, that means everyone else would receive memories of him too."

"Wait, he already had them?" Lambo blurted bewilderedly. Tsuna nodded his head slowly. 

"As I have explained to Alaude just yesterday–"

"Why did our dear boss tell that bird first before telling us anything?" Mukuro interrupted to tease. "Are you playing favourites? No, perhaps your secret lover? Boohoo, poor Yuriko."

"Cut it out, Daemon!" Tsuna snapped, leaving an awkward silence hanging in the room. The brunet coughed to regain some of his composure and continued. "Anyway, he came by yesterday to talk about this memory that he had of Aku, which I must say, was quite surprising because he isn't one to tell people his dreams –Anyway! Altair had full control over his transformation. It's likely he withheld what he knew and had only recently loosened the grip on all our memories. Aku, on the other hand, is unlikely to unlock his memories now."

Hayato lifted an eyebrow. "Huh? Why?"

"I'm not so sure either. Back when I confronted him, his eye whites turned black, like how Aku's would in the past. However, nothing else happened, thus I believe he would not be able to access his memories for now. Altair didn't tell me anything about it either. However, he did mention about the peeling portrait that protects their identity. Funny thing is, the one in most danger will be revealed more. According to Reborn, Aku was fully revealed in the portrait."

Everyone in the room fell into contemplative silence. Chrome and Enma frowned visibly. The redhead asked: "What kind of trouble are we talking about here?"

Tsuna pursed his lips solemnly and replied. "Altair says they're both being chased by organisations that want them dead."

Almost everyone gasped in shock. Mukuro's eyes widened in a mix of surprise and amusement. "That's... not very far from their previous lives." He commented. 

All heads now turned to the bluehead. Basking in the sudden attention on him, he explained. "Based on my memories, both Altair and Aku were originally spies for the Vongola. Their missions are mainly information gathering and syndicate infiltrations. They brought down a lot of illegal dealings and dishonest acts, much like Alaude, but illegally. What stood out the most was that while they bring organisations down, organisations seek to kill them too. More than half of the Vongola did not know them either."

"Now no one but a selected few knows about them," Hayato grumbled. He paused, narrowed his eyebrows and looked at Tsuna. The brunet felt his gaze and turned his head discreetly.

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