Abnormalities of the Tri-ni-set

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Kaito sat in the fast-food joint patiently. He just managed to shrug Aoko off, preventing her from following him to the meeting he was about to have with the others. He could imagine an onslaught number of questions from the other party, but he hoped only a few of them could make it.

As much as he trusted Daemon and Alaude, he did not want to see them at all today.

He looked at his watch for the eighth time, nervously looking around like a criminal. He did not need to meet them to know who they are, the image will naturally appear on its own, a telling sign of a guardian.

(Of course, if he remembered the fact he could control the visage willingly...)

Just as he was about to die of boredom, a familiar person passed through the glass doors. Kaito raised his arm enthusiastically, waving the person over. 

"I didn't want to meet you without your boss, but a good day to you, Reborn!"

"If this is your usual constitution, I wish Tsuna would take this place. Unfortunately, he has school." Reborn remarked bitterly. Unwavered by Reborn's sour tone, Kaito asked him. 

"So, what would you like? There's no espresso, but it's on me!"

Reborn grit his teeth and seethed silently. "... Coffee will do."

Kaito blanched openly at the hitman. "Eww, you're a kid but you have such an adult and disgusting taste–Oh! Come on, keep that thing away!"

Immediately, everyone stared at them. In embarrassment, Reborn tucked his gun into his jacket's inner pocket as Kaito swiftly diffused the situation with a few well-placed words. His jovial tone added the needed effect. After the restaurant resumed its original air, Kaito turned to Reborn with a frown. 

"You can't take that out here. This city is more vigilant than you think! The police would be here in seconds flat if I didn't do what I did." The magician chided. He went to purchase Reborn's coffee and returned to his seat when he was done. After a sip (and cringing at the taste), Reborn noticed the surroundings twist, just like that day on the train. Once his eyes land back on the adult, Kaito was now Altair, sitting with an air of elegance on a velvet chair (that was never there in the first place).

"So, what would you like to know, Reborn?" Altair asked. 

"What was your wish to the rings? Specifically? I've heard from Tsuna what your wish was in summary, but I'd like to know what it is."

Altair leaned further into his chair, his eyes looking down at his crossed fingers. "... Preserve my memories for the next life and the life after and forever as a punishment for not taking care of the Vongola famiglia properly and for failing as an heir to his own family."


"It nearly cost us everything, Reborn." Altair's hands clenched into a fist as he calmly explained. "If Ricardo didn't survive, Vongola would have ended right then. My brother and I were not with them when everything happened–their SOS didn't reach us in time. Many others wouldn't have viewed it as a mistake, but to me, everything dear to me was gone." 

"Were you ever reincarnated before this life?" Reborn asked. 

"Yep! And I remember it too! I even know how you look like as an adult!" Kaito chirped. "Don't bother trying to remember me, I died by your hands because I was screwing around with the Vongola archives. AKA, stirring shit up."

"Why do you even bother..." Reborn sighed. He raised his head to look at the adult, only to realise that Altair was no longer there and the isolation space is gone as Kaito stared at the entrance of the store. Lifting an eyebrow, he asked.

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