Chrome - Be patient

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Tsuna pinched the bridge of his nose after receiving a heated scolding from an overprotective younger brother-or not, since this time, it was understandable. Altair was furious. Even though it was not Tsuna's fault his mists decided to traumatize Aku, no matter how unintentionally, the brunet still felt liable as he agreed to let the Mist go.

He exhaled loudly, ignoring the sheepish smile coming from the twins across the screen.

"I'm not even twenty yet, and I already feel like an old man."

"To be fair, Dear Primo, you are an old man mentally," Mukuro commented. Tsuna groaned aloud, his distaste evident in his slouched posture. Kyoko giggled from the side.

"Chrome-chan, what do you think you two can do from here on out?" Kyoko asked.

"First, we have to apologize to the brothers. We understand now why Altair was mad. There're still a lot of things we don't know about them, and what we thought wouldn't be triggering turns out to be the worst one of all. We need a peace offering." Chrome replied without missing a beat.

"Kaito-kun mentioned that Shinichi allowed you two to stay at his house for now. Do you think he's forgiving you?"

"At this point, no. I think it's tolerance. He knows why we were there, but do you remember? He didn't want us near him, like back when we first met him at the Kaitou KID heist. So he's just tolerating us for now. That, or he sicked his parents on us because he doesn't want to deal with us now."

Tsuna blinked, astonished by how blunt Chrome was reviewing their current situation with Aku. She had, unfortunately, intentionally dug up some memories he did not want to remember. Man, that blow-up that day... "I see."

"We haven't seen him since he left to return to his current residence at the Mouri's detective agency," Mukuro reported. "Kudo Yusaku didn't ask what I thought he would."

"I... figured he won't," Tsuna sighed. Even though he had only met the man once, looking through his files and all the related articles about him, the sky boss could tell the man was not someone to ask pointless questions, or questions he know would not have an answer.

"For now, come back. If you insist on staying, I'm only allowing Chrome."

"Does that mean you don't trust me?" Mukuro gasped mockingly.

On the other side, Kyoko simply gave him a smile that promised pain if he disobeyed. Yuriko* is not to be messed with. Mukuro sighed and nodded, disheartened.

"Don't worry! You have Altair to cool down too. And right now, he's here!"

That got the male twin to start moving. If he can't mess with Aku, he'll mess with Altair-even though that might not be the best idea either.

After Mukuro left, and the call ended, Chrome checked the clock.


'There's still a few hours before his school gets dismissed', Chrome thought. As they knew little about Conan's current situation, Chrome collated everything they have learnt and decided to check things out.

She took a stroll around the area. Teitan school is just a few minutes walk away from the Kudo's residence, and the detective agency is along the way. Chrome made a mental note to drop by the place before returning to the Vongola Estate.

Maybe it was the Elena in her that felt the need to meddle with the current problem. She wanted to solve this particular issue about Aku, but she barely knew him even then. Perhaps it was not her place to help him, but she can surely nudge him in the right direction.

She used to think, as Nagi, that she was unworthy of any kind of affection. Her mother had nearly stomped out any of that hope whenever she abused her. If not for her brother, she would probably accept her defeat and welcome the pain-maybe even her death.

Much like what Aku is doing now.

It was known that Shinichi lived alone since he was fourteen. After the attempted murder on his life, he moved in with the Mouri's, and lived there ever since. He might not be alone now, but perhaps, mentally, with all that was happening, he naturally felt the need to rely on solely himself. Added to the latest deals, he might even think that his past self was right to isolate him.

Unfortunately, Aku-Conan does not want to talk to any of the Vongola members at all, save for Tsuna and Enma (reluctantly). Persistence is not going to be the best idea at the moment. Yet, Chrome could not help but think that there might be other reasons why her boss told her to stay, instead of her more-capable brother. It was obvious brute strength or skill was not needed, but Mukuro did have a degree in psychology to better his illusions. (Or so he says)

There was no point for Chrome to continue loitering in the Kudo's residence. That mystery resident comes later too. With a written note stuck to the fridge, she left the house to go to the detective agency. She researched and found out that there was a cafe on the first floor. It was likely that Conan and his circle frequents that cafe as well.

She quickly made her way there and slowly waited for time to tick by.

-- Amuro's POV

Amuro Tooru has met many people from different walks of life. His job brought him close to different people. Killers, murderers, smugglers, etcetera-Even Mafia members, such as those from the organization he had infiltrated.

Little was he expecting a minor to walk in with a trident and an eyepatch. The girl looked around the cafe before her gaze landed on him. Her eye was wide and observing, but he could not help but notice her gaze. It held a certain weight. She then walked to an empty table. Amuro took a deep breath and resumed his cafe persona.

"Welcome! Here's our menu for today. Whenever you're ready, I'll come and take your order."

The girl lifted an eyebrow, and then looked at the menu. Just as Amuro was about to leave, she tugged at his apron. Her voice was soft and meek, and he gathered she was very shy.

"I'd like to have the club sandwich... please."

With his service smile, he asked. "Any drinks?"

"One milk tea," she replied.

"Let me repeat your orders. One club sandwich and one milk tea. Anything else?"

She shook her head. Amuro bowed again and left to prepare the food. When he returned with them, she tugged his sleeve this time. He tilted his head questioningly. "Yes?"

"Do you know about Edogawa Conan?"

"Oh?" Amuro unconsciously tightened his grip on his tray. Edogawa Conan is a boy with immense talent. He looks for all the clues that most people miss. Some call him the death god because of how often he was found at a crime scene. Some call him KID Killer because of how he managed to stop Kaitou KID from stealing the gems. He was like an adult in a child's body.

But he is also the "baby" of the team. Even Vermouth did not dare to touch him.

"What do you want to know about him?"

"How's he like? Outside crime scenes or even in it?"

Amuro eyed the girl.

Conan is a very protected person, with the FBI, CIA, the NSB and more backing him up. Is she simply curious about him, or is there something sinister beneath?

The girl did not smile, or anything close to one. She simply waited for him to reply. Amuro mentally filtered his answers.

"Well, he's attentive to details most professionals miss out. He also has a very strong moral compass for someone so young." Amuro paused to look at her. This time, she smiled, as if agreeing with him. Was she an acquaintance of Conan?

"He isn't very childlike. He is very mature, but he has an interest in investigations. Although Mouri-sensei is always against him entering the crime scenes, he will always end up needing his help."

Amuro stopped there. There are more things about Conan, but it was not his tale to share. Lately, something in the boy changed as well, and he felt older than ever. Amuro himself felt smaller in his presence.

The girl understood and did not ask for more. She nodded, thanked him, and ate quietly, allowing him to return to his duties.

A/N: Oops. I hope anyone reading would enjoy this chapter. The latest read counts have been small and sad, but I'll continue to post, even though it'll be sparodic now.

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