Who's a guardian?!

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"OH MY GOODNESS! IS THIS TSUNAYOSHI-KUN?" Yukiko squealed as soon as the boy opened the door. She pulled on his cheeks and ran her fingers through his hair in a gentle caress. The brunet blushed, not used to overly zealous displays of affection.

Nana came out of the kitchen, wiping her wet hands on her apron.


The woman quickly stopped to hug her sibling in the same way. "Nana~! It's been a long time since I've last seen you!"

Yusaku, who trailed behind Yukiko, hung his head and sighed in disbelief.

"Yukiko, please. Observe decorum."

The woman pouted, spinning behind Nana as she continued to hug her from behind affectionately. She stuck out her tongue, childish.


Yusaku sighed again, then turned to face the teenager who stood still at the door, looking slightly shocked by what just happened. He stretched out his hand to shake Tsuna's.

"Hello," he greeted. "I'm Kudo Yusaku."

The brunet took the adult's hand and bowed meekly. "Sawada Tsunayoshi."

"Pleasure to meet you. May I call you Tsunayoshi-kun? Or are there any names you prefer to be addressed by?"

"Just call me Tsuna. Tsunayoshi is a mouthful."

Yusaku chuckled. "I distinctly remember your father's name is 'Iemitsu'. It must be a tradition or some sort in your family to name their children after the Tokugawa Shogunate. You have the same name as the fifth Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi. Do you happen to like dogs as well?"

"No, I'm afraid. I'm the exact opposite."

"Interesting. So, Tsuna-kun?"


Yusaku paused briefly, then chuckled. "Sorry, I was just testing the name."

Tsuna laughed nervously. "Ahaha, I see."

Tsuna then pointed to the suitcases they brought along. With his most hospitable smile, he asked. "Do you need help with the bags?"

Yusaku waved to decline. "But if you could, please point me to the direction of our room."

Tsuna lifted an eyebrow but did as he was requested to.

"Oh yes, follow me please."

- In Tsuna's Room -

Shinichi stared at Reborn, and wriggled his nose in distaste. Hayato had left earlier, afraid to impose on Nana for dinner even though she did not mind cooking extra for him. He felt like an intruder on a family gathering.

Reborn, on the other hand, did not care much about it.

"So," Shinichi began. Reborn glanced at him without lifting his fedora, ticking the young adult off slightly.

"I suppose 'Reborn' isn't your real name. A nickname?"

Shinichi mentally smacked himself. It was a pathetic attempt to start a conversation. However, he forgot to pack books into his luggage, and there were no mystery books on Tsuna's shelf. In fact, his shelf was filled with comics and figurine displays, he could hardly call the shelf a "book shelf".

"...Yes," Reborn replied. Then the uncomfortable silence continued between them.

Shinichi looked at everything else in the room, except Reborn, and did his best to avoid looking at him. He could smell a stronger scent of gunpowder from this person, but he could hardly guess his occupation. The other is cautious of showing his hands too.

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