Uehara Mansion

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Yui eyed the three that sat behind in the second row through the mirror. Tsuna felt the intense gaze from her and gave the police detective a nervous smile while his two companions slept away. Somewhere in his mind though, he thinks they are awake (they are).

"What's wrong, Uehara-san?"

Yui looked at the brunet, her lips pressed shut. Tsuna understood her worry right away. Kinda. But he kept quiet, not willing to disclose anything. The only one who can diffuse the problem was Conan, who was slumbering away, his head leaning against Kaito. 

The taxi rolled into the porch of a very traditional Japanese house. The crunch of the pebbles beneath the wheels could be heard from inside. The "brothers" quickly opened their eyes to look at their surroundings–one in awe and the other in a strange kind of nostalgia. (With how fast they perked up, Tsuna knew his thoughts were right. They were only getting some shut eye before, in Reborn's terms, "shit hit the roof") Conan could not help but think there were a few changes to the original. 

Kaito swung the door open and leapt out. He made an exaggerated sigh and took a deep breath of "fresh air". He smirked mischievously and pointed at Tsuna with finger guns.

"Let's get off while Tsuna treats us for the ride, okay?" He then winked.

The said brunet gawked in shock as the other passengers alighted. Yui looked like she was about to pay when Kaito somehow managed to persuade/convince her not to. Tsuna grumbled under his breath as he paid with the last of his available cash.

Yui led the group to the mansion.

As if alerted of their arrival, the main doors slid open and a older man stood behind. His arms were folded, and he gave off an aura as imposing as his height. Conan's eyes were drawn to the dark blue kimono.

The Uehara family colour. No one but the family head can wear that colour. This man is the current head of the family. 

Conan shivered, his eyes turning to everyone but the man. He did not want to question how anymore. 

The Uehara family is different from other prominent families. They are known to be extremely humble, not willing to boast their achievements on the media like a certain family, and very secretive. Not much is known about them, hence many would not even think about the family when an Uehara is mentioned. To be able to afford such a large piece of land, they must be pretty wealthy. 

He then glanced towards the dark blue symbols painted on each door, both missed when his attention was taken by Uehara Sr.. 

A pair of wings folded, not like many other flamboyant designs. Not the most telling symbols, but it struck a chord in Conan.

"Yui, welcome back," Uehara Sr's voice rang. For a man looking so imposing, his voice was soft like the wind, gentle to everyone who hears him. The detective bowed in respect, albeit too  formally. Conan wondered if it was because of the older man's position or--

"Did living in the city make you stiff? I don't recall my daughter being so formal and shy before me."

That answers his question. The three males watched as Yui's face turn red and she marched up to her father, embarrassed. "Father, there's a reason why these boys are here." She said nothing else, leaving her father to the rest, as if the elder knew what to do.

Well, he kinda did.

Uehara Senior blinked slowly. He observed all three of them, holding each of them by eye contact. First, the two grownups, then the child. He held Conan's the longest, and then his eyes grew wide.

Tsuna sensed something when he noticed the elder's reaction, following his line of sight. Conan's eyes were no longer bright but the darkest of dark. His eye whites were now black, and his dark blue irises glowed, like the dark evening sky. 

Soon, Kaito's eyes followed, shining the brightest as if auras were dancing in them. Tsuna did not notice, but his resonated as well, glowing the brightest shade of amber. Yui looked at her father, only to realise the shock had wore off, and a pensive expression took over. 

"Tell me, who are you?"

The two adults did not speak, both their attention on the little boy. Conan stared up at the man and squared his shoulders. It was like he was in a trance as a controlled voice, filled with strength, left his lips.

"My name is Aku Sera, this is my brother is Altair, and this is the Vongola's leader, Giotto."

A/N: We're entering the Uehara Family arc, as we delve into the retrieval of the night rings and the story of the Sera family (previously unnamed)

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