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"Sorry for disturbing you so late, Yukiko-oba-san, but Shinichi-san won't be able to make it home for a while. Can you tell his caretaker that he would be with us for a while? ... Ah, Kuroba-san is with us too. Yes... okay. Good night to both of you."

Tsuna ended the call and glanced at the two brothers. The boy had stopped crying for a while now, but the two were still huddled together as if trying to salvage whatever warmth they had left. The memories must have left Aku feeling disorientated and confused, as well as tired. He just received a bulk of his memories, and they are mostly negative if he did not remember wrong.

As Aku remembered everything, all their memories in regards to him came flooding as well. The missing puzzle was now filled, and their memories were now complete. They have almost all the answers they needed now, and it was a good step forward to healing. 

Though healing must begin within oneself. 

From what he gleaned, Aku first came to them as a spy for the Sera. Every week, he would leave a seemingly careless clue of sabotage in the reports. It sent Alaude into a long-winded race for a long time, figuring out why their family's secrets were getting exposed. They figured they have a spy in their midst, but it took a lot of investigation before they found the culprit–no, that would not be right.

The culprit admitted it himself that he had been selling their information to others. 

It was absurd. Aku knew the repercussions that will happen when he did such a thing, but he sold out his family by making a vow to the Vongola. 

"You can stop looking for the culprit now, Alaude."

Alaude raised an eyebrow, not liking where the entire conversation was going. Aku stood confidently in front of the cloud guardian, his arms out in surrender. 

Giotto's blood ran cold. Alaude and Aku became very close comrades. They both spoke few words and were both very skilled investigators. Aku was assigned to Alaude's jurisdiction because of his capabilities, but it was more extensive than they all thought. Also, his flames were from a unique set altogether, not the same as the Sky rings and the Earth rings. Would it be hilarious to call them the space rings? For Aku's flames reminded him of the stars in the night sky. Sepira seemed to know something about it but divulged next to nothing to him. He only knew what they were called.

Who would have known this closed-off man who was serious yet so kind to others, who was willing to sacrifice himself, was capable of backstabbing? 

Then again, it's human nature to drop one party when the other benefits them more. 

"You've been selling our family's data to other families," Giotto stated with the calmest voice. It was the voice that usually instilled fear in his subordinates, but Aku was barely affected. In fact, it looked like he faced similar situations all the time. That seeming lack of self-preservation was a little shocking, but this is the mafia. 

"Not wrong, and not quite right either." He did not explain further, but Giotto's widening eyes was an indication that he did not need to. The rumour of the Vongola head's ability was spread far and wide, and Aku just witnessed that the rumour was true.

Instead of further interrogating, though Alaude looked ready to haul his subordinate and toss him out of the window, Giotto asked. 

"Why now?"

"Because my brother is in danger. I can't have him there anymore. Father has gone too far recently, and I'm afraid he won't listen anymore." 

There was a silent question that hung, and no one addressed it. Alaude excused himself from the office, then returned with a heavy stack of papers regarding the activities of the Sera family. He flipped a few pages, then closed it altogether. 

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