Cozart - Healing requires that first step

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Tsuna and the rest knew what they had to do as soon as they gathered to discuss their latest memories. After the fiasco of the previous week, with the help of Altair and Kawahira, they understood that the boy needed time to take everything in.

The two adults brought the child home to the Kudo's mansion. After the boy had settled back in his bed, Yusaku gathered the two to the library. Tsuna and Kaito followed after the older (younger?) man, who looked imposing and friendly at the same time. How the man carried himself was like a kind mafia boss who is about to negotiate some terms.

This is likely the reason why they were called to the library anyway.

"Is there something you need? Yusaku-Oji-san?" Tsuna started. He knew that it was not anything dangerous, his intuition would have warned him.

Yusaku looked him in the eye, then shifted his heavy gaze to Kaito. He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh. The two of them fidgeted, suddenly feeling nervous.

"I know who you are. I'm just concerned for my son, who's in the same situation as the two of you." The two males froze. "I need to know how all these will affect him in the long run."

Tsuna pursed his lips as his thoughts ran wild, but Kaito seemed to be prepared for a situation like this. He shrugged off the shock and ran his fingers through his hair, willing them into silver. Their memories remember it to be a glamour the moon guardian dons when he wanted to intimidate his opponents. He used to grin, displaying his abnormally sharp canines, which were used to frighten them a lot more than necessary.

However, this time, it was not to intimidate but to nail the idea.

"This is, fortunately, or unfortunately, permanent," Kaito-Altair informed. "Though once fully awaken, this can be turned on and off like a switch. It will come to him gradually. It sometimes helps to also signal the rest of the family that one is in danger."

"For now, he will probably struggle to identify his old and new memories. Maybe not, but I won't be that surprised if he suffers from migraines or headaches for the next few days. Previously, when there's the block, his memories were forced to the surface, giving him headaches and blackouts."

Tsuna remembered on the day of the thief's public heist–when they had to fight off the organisation targeting Kaitou KID's life. Conan collapsed that day, shocking all of them as they never had to suffer such a thing.

Speaking of which, there is one more person that the adult-child had not met yet, who was reborn under the same circumstances. They were not best friends, but they were not enemies either. They just knew each other, and that was their relationship in the past. Perhaps now, that could change.

Cozart may not be the best option but might be a good listening ear as an outsider to the star guardian. Tsuna just worries that Conan would not even want to listen.

Deep down, he knew that that will happen.


Enma stared at the Moon guardian, who was smiling cheerily at him, even though they hardly knew each other back then. The moon and star guardians had mostly stealth missions, and they were often out of the mansion. Their chances of meeting the redhead were lower than the others.

Enma only knew of the brothers by the description of his friends.

"Where's Aku?"

"At his temporary residence," Kaito helpfully replied.

"My boy should be coming soon. He has school today. Don't forget, Kaito-kun," Yukiko chided, pinching the man's (boy in her eyes) cheek. Kaito winced and quickly rubbed it as soon as she released her hold.

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