Unknown family secrets

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Nono walked down the corridor of family portraits. Each generation boasted seven exemplary fighters, including an intimidating leader who passed on a legacy one way or the other.

He remembered the history of the Vongola Mafia. From how it was a vigilante for Sicily from the start, till it became the most blood-thirsty group of the century. He shook his head and sighed.

At least, the start of reform began during the reign of his mother.

He stopped in front of the biggest portrait of the corridor. He always wondered why the picture was so big. It was like it was made to accommodate two other people, yet the background was as clear as usual.

Timoteo stared at the image. There was something amiss.

Why are there new smudges of paint on both sides of the canvas?

"That's a first."

Timoteo chuckled in response, not turning to look at his new companion. His voice was a distinct giveaway, unless someone mimicked him-then again, his intuition, even though weak, would have acted up. "Good day to you, Reborn. How's the Bahamas?"

"If you're talking about that heir that I'm tutoring now, stop. He's not as easy to teach as Decimo-Primo-whatever you're going to call Sawada Tsunayoshi."

The two looked at the portrait again. At each end were new colours that contrasted greatly with the velvet red background.

Deep navy blue that was as dark as night, and silvery gray that seemed to shimmer with the light. It was two odd patches of paint on both sides, both too hard to ignore.

"Were there more guardians that were not known?" Reborn asked without looking at the old man.

"What makes you think they are guardians?" Timoteo asked, even though he had the same thought in mind. Reborn did not reply him. He sighed. "It's been passed down for generations-seven guardians. The sky, the storm, the rain, the cloud, the sun, the lightning and the mist."

"Perhaps that was what Primo wanted us to think. But what if there were more, like that famiglia that carried a sky flame disguised as a snow flame?" Reborn suggested.

Timoteo looked at the new paint again, and suddenly, the paint seem to spread more and more, revealing vague outlines of two people. The two of them widened their eyes in shock. Reborn turned to the portraiture of the second generation, yet, nothing of this phenomenon happened.

There were no signs of mist flames, yet there were whisps of dark blue and silver emitting from the figures.

"Get Talbot, Reborn. He would know what's happening."

The hitman scowled, not liking the fact that he was being told to do something by someone, but did it anyway.

"Hey, Talbot. Timoteo's asking for your assistance. There's something odd about the painting of Primo's family and we need your input about this matter."

- Tokyo, Beika street -

Conan rolled his eyes for the nth time of the day as Yukiko continued to whine.

"Come on! It's been ages since you've last seen them, and you've never met your cousin before! Maybe little Tsuna has an answer about your recent hairdye!"

"Mother, something like this has no explanation in science. It's an impossible phenomenon. Besides, if I had stayed out of their lives for so long, why not just continue staying out? I still have to attend school on Monday!"

He pulled on the oddly coloured hair of his. It was literally dyed to the base-it even looks natural! While it is proven that certain illnesses can change your blood type or hair colour, never did it turn into this!

What the hell is with this intense blue shade?!

"I guarantee that no one would have answers for this, so no." He argued vehemently.

Yukiko pouted. "I'll kidnap you like last time."

Conan clicked his tongue, but managed to find a perfect retort.

"You've also said that Nana-obaa-sama had seen me before. It would be strange if the child she had seen so long ago remained a child-No, nutrition defeciency would not be a good excuse, due to my physique."

Yukiko pouted again before falling into a contemplative look. How Conan wished his father was around to keep his mother in line.

"You could get an antidote from Ai-chan?"

The girl mentioned frowned at the idea, and Conan could roughly guess why. The reason Haibara was giving him the antidote sparingly was because 1) its unstable, and 2) he was building an immunity against it. Each time he used it, the timing decreased, little by little. It would be tough to ask her for it, unless she was happy that day.

And she was in a good mood today, actually.

Still, she rejected the request.

"Kudo-kun, I've repeated again and again that your body won't be able to take it. Stop asking for the antidote!" Haibara fumed.

"But this is a family reunion I can't miss! My mother will slaughter me if I do miss it!" Conan pleaded, clapping his hands together while faking a desperate look. Yukiko rolled her eyes when her name was used.

Even though Haibara knew Conan/Shinichi very well, and knew what he could do to get what he wants, Haibara sighed and nodded her head, pressing her index finger and her thumb against her forehead as she gently rubbed the throbbing headache. Conan cheered almost immediately before he frowned.

"Is there a catch?"

Haibara shook her head. "The usual. Give me a detailed report about your activities before returning back to your child self."

Yukiko and Conan grinned, giving each other a high-five for "mission accomplished". Haibara could feel another headache sweeping in.


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