Alaude/Kyoya - I have decided

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Things resumed back to normal after Chrome's visit. As normal as it can get. The changes were already made, and Conan sighed at the sight of their resident international thief sitting in his kitchen, his mother attending to him. Akai Shuichi, in his Subaru Okiya getup, sat to Kuroba Kaito's left, drinking his coffee.

"I'm back," he greeted listlessly.

"Welcome back, Shin-chan!" His mother replied. "Coffee for you, too?"

"With no sugar, please, thanks, Mum."

She grinned, disregarding the lack of emotion in his voice. "No worries. Give me a moment!"

Conan proceeded to climb up the high stool to Kaito's right. He stared at him, deadpanned. "What are you doing here? What happened to 'I stay with Aoko to rile her up every day'? Is it my turn?"

Kaito stuck out his tongue. "Aoko's sick today, and I'm bored. So, here I am, disturbing my other family."

Yukiko squealed, "You think of us as family?"

"Well, yeah, my dear, beautiful Aunty!" He teased. Immediately, Yukiko's switch was flipped, and she started to chase after him.

"Mum, my coffee–"


Conan sighed and jumped off his seat to get his beverage. Akai chuckled, his eyes following the pair. The two of them were like little children with boundless energy running around the house (even though one is at least twenty years older than the other).

"Goodness," Conan lamented as he sipped his coffee. "And they say I'm old. They are just too young at heart."

"You are an adult in a child's body, Shinichi-kun(1); naturally, people would say that. Unless you're talking about before." Akai gave Conan a side glance. He is an American and had only heard of the great feats of Kudo Shinichi. He also remembered the Kudo Shinichi he saw when the latter was a child, then a teenager in the dark alleys of New York. However, he only knew the current Kudo Shinichi of the cameras, not his private life. 

Conan snorted, gulped his coffee down, and left the kitchen. "I'm gonna go find them–"

"Conan! You have a visitor!" Kaito's voice trailed off. The boy lifted an eyebrow. Normally, the man's voice would continue to rattle something, maybe describe the other party.

"Come to the library instead. He's kind of like a trespasser!"

Is that a joke?

Curious, the boy followed the instructions. He found his mother standing outside the library. She looked confused, but she still smiled. 

"Do you know the visitor?" It would be dangerous if she does not. Yukiko is not stupid, but sometimes, when the other is a handsome young man, she might drop her guard a little. 

"Not me, unfortunately," She replied. "Kaito-kun knows him, and he told me to stay outside. He said that the visitor does not like crowds."

Conan knew who was behind the door and immediately wilted inside. It was going so well–

[4 hours earlier, Nanimori]

"NO! STAY! OH MY–CAN'T YOU BE THAT PREFECT I FEARED (AND STILL FEAR) WHO LOVED HIS CITY ENOUGH TO RAIN HELL TO ANY AND ALL WHO THREATENS ITS SAFETY?" Tsuna screeched. After Chrome returned from her visit, she reported her visit to him. It was clear to them that Aku does not want them to try anymore.

Tsuna knows when he needs to back off. However, that cannot be said of his guardians. 

Enma, Mukuro, and Chrome had already visited Conan, and their reports are roughly the same. Aku refused to "return" to the Vongola for the time being. Chrome's report had affirmed that Aku thinks their actions were not helpful, and he threatened to wipe out his memories should they send another there. 

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