Knock Knock

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"And so I was saying, Mom. There was someone watching me when I was at the Mouri's! Wasn't that you?" Conan interrogated.

Yukiko whined, twirling dramatically and falling into Yusaku's lap. "Dear, your son no longer trusts me!"

"It's only fair since we've always tricked him ever since we left him to his own devices," Yusaku soothed, patting his wife on the back as a form of consolation. He then looked at Conan in the eyes and said firmly.

"Then again, son, we really weren't anywhere close to the Mouri's the last couple of weeks. We had some things to deal with over at Hokkaido, and only returned last night."

Conan sighed and flopped down onto the empty couch. "Then who was it that was spying on me nearly this entire week?"

Then a pessimistic thought crept in. "It can't  be the organisation, right?"

"I'm sure Sharon is covering us," Yukiko piped, trusting her friend despite the other being a high-ranking member of said organisation.

Yusaku hummed thoughtfully. "Could it be your cousin? Or someone that he sent? He has been asking for your well-being for a while after all."

"That would also explain why he stopped calling, doesn't it?" Yukiko added.

Their son sat in silence with his legs crossed on the sofa. "What do you think about Sawada Tsunayoshi, Yusaku-san?"

Ignoring the fact that his son just called him by his name formally, not that he really cared at this point, Yusaku answered slowly and carefully.

"His fingers are slightly calloused. It feels hard around the index finger and the middle finger. His knuckles had hardened skin, implying that he must have been hitting something hard for a long time, likely for training. He does have the build of a fighter too, but a rather lean one. If you observe carefully the way he stands as well, you will notice that he wasn't standing straight. He was constantly on alert mode as if anticipating for any bad instances. He also had a ring around his ring and pinky finger, one with a famous insignia on-"

"The Vongola Corps, isn't it?" Conan interrupted. Yusaku shrugged it off and nodded his head before continuing.

"Usually people who don't hold big positions in a company will not have such accessories or indicators of their position. Judging from Tsunayoshi's age, he is most likely the heir. And not just any heir, son. What do you know about the Vongola Corps?"

Conan lifted an eyebrow, pensive. "They are the biggest company on the planet, their HQ's in Italy, Sicily. Their higher-ups wear a ring bearing the company's logo. Their sections are named after the weather. They have a leg in almost every matter. What am I missing?"

"They're Mafia, Shinichi. The Vongola is known to have the bloodiest history, but they started off as a vigilante family during the turbulent times of Italy."

"Where did you hear that from?" Conan tilted his head.

"A drunk member of the Vongola," Yusaku replied, smirking in amusement at the memory (and at Shinichi's baffled expression).

"You'd trust a drunk?"

"That guy's an honest drunk."

"You'd trust an honest drunk?"

"More than an actress at least."

"...You're in trouble, old man."

"I know, but I suppose you know what I mean now. If you will, please excuse me while I try my best to stay alive for the next plan."

On cue, the two males turned to the only woman in the house, the older one calmly getting up while keeping his eyes on his wife.

"Yusaku~ You would rather trust an honest drunk than an established well-known actress? How hurtful!"

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