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Bailee sat in her hospital room. She smiled as Lenni walked into the room. "Are you sure that you want to do this? That you want to leave?" Lenni asked as she sat on the seat beside the bed. She picked up Thea from her pushchair.

Bailee looked to her and smiled. "I have to. I have to do what's best for my baby. Mum is the reason I lost Summer. And I have to. It's the right thing to do," Bailee said.

Lenni looked to her and nodded. "I know that you think that. But it's not. You need to have your family around. You've just had a baby. And Max? Have you even told him you had his baby?" Lenni asked as Bailee looked at her. Lenni groaned. "He needs to know."

"I know. But he went out of town Len. I can't just text him. 'I gave birth to your baby'."

"He needs to be here with you. And you can't go with his baby and not tell him," Lenni said.

Bailee looked to her sister and sighed. "I can't stay Len. It's all a lie. Mum, dad. Us being sisters. And Summer is gone. And I see her when I look at Thea. When I see Tom. And now when I see my own baby. My Isla," Bailee said.

Lenni took hold of her hand and smiled. "You'll always think about her."


Bailee sighed as Lenni took her into NeoNatal. She looked to her small baby and felt the tears in her eyes. Lenni placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "I know that this is hard for you. After you lost Summer. To have another baby. But your baby girl needs you as she has no one else but you. And you need to be the strong one. You lost a child and you loved her. She loved you. Now Isla needs you. She's alone and scared. You're all she has. Hold her. And look at her," Lenni said.

A nurse placed the tiny baby in her arms. Bailee looked at her and smiled as she saw how much she looked like Summer. Bailee felt the tears roll down her face as she looked at her. "What if I can't do this?" Bailee asked.

Lenni smiled. "I thought that. But I did. And I know you can too. You're a great mum. You just need to believe that you can do this. I believe in you," Lenni said as Bailee looked to her and smiled.

Lenni hated to see how much her sister was struggling. But she wasn't going to let Bailee give up. Not when she knew she was going to be a great mum.


Bailee laid in her hospital bed as the door to her room opened. She looked up and frowned as she saw Max. He walked over to her and sat on the side of the bed next to her. He brushed her hair out of her face. "Max?" What are you doing here?" Bailee asked.

Max smiled as he looked at her. "Lenni called me. She told me what's going on. And I'm here for you. No matter what," Max said as Bailee smiled.

Bailee had no idea about the war about to come out between Max and Rachel as he prepared to be a dad to their baby.

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