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Bailee looked to Max and sighed. "What do you want?" She asked

Max looked at her. He smiled. "I want to talk. You didn't tell me you had my baby," Max said.

Bailee rolled her eyes. She looked at the floor. "Yeah it was a one night stand. And it was better not talked about. Look I know it's messy. But it's better this way. Do you really want to lose your job over a quick fling with me? You know my mum will do all that she can to get fired," Bailee said.

Max sighed as he nodded. He looked at her. "I don't care. I can handle her. She's my daughter. And I have a right to see her. And know her. You can't keep me out of her life. She has a right to know me too."

Bailee looked at him. "You're right. And her name is Isla. If you want to know. And you can see her. But I just didn't know how to explain this," she said.

Max nodded. "Well running away won't help. You need to stand up to your mother. Once and for all. It will all be okay," Max said.

Bailee looked to him and smiled. Hoping that Max was right.


Bailee got back home and saw Lenni. Lenni looked to her and sighed. "Please don't hate me. I was desperate. And you're my sister. I didn't want to lose you. You mean everything to me. And I know it's a mess with mum. But she's not Isla's mum. You are. You're an amazing mum and you're going to still be a good mum. It will just take some time to get used to. But Max, he is her father. He had a right to know. How long do you think that you would have been able to keep it from him for?" She asked.

Bailee looked to her and sighed. She knew her sister was right. As much as she was annoyed at her for calling Max. "He wants to get to know her. To be her dad. It's all just a bloody mess," Bailee said as she sat down.

Lenni smiled as she looked at her. "He wants to do the right thing. And you're worried about how they'll react when they find out the truth. I know it will be hard. It won't be easy. But you know it will only be so long until the truth came out," Lenni said.

Bailee looked to her and sighed knowing she was right.


Bailee sighed as she got into the car. She looked to Max and smiled. "It isn't going to be easy. But at the end of the day, she's your daughter. You can get to know her. We just have to come up with a plan as my mum and dad are going to kick off," Bailee said.

Max smiled as he looked at her. He took her hand. "Im here. It's going to be okay," Max said.

Bailee looked to him and smiled. She knew it was far from okay. And knowing how things were going to get a lot more complicated when it came to Max Tyler.

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