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Bailee sped off out the school gates. Eddie looked at Rachel. "Call the police."

"Eddie they'll lock her up. Drinking, underage driving!"

"Rachel! There's a vulnerable girl driving around! Who knows what will happen!" He yelled.

That's when there was a loud screech followed by a bang...


No one could move. They were all shocked. Eddie was the first to regain composure. He took off running followed by Tom.

They found the car flipped onto the roof. Blood surrounded Bailee. "Call 999!" Eddie yelled.

Eddie began trying to get Bailee out. Everyone was watching. Tom ran over. "Eddie! We can't move her. The paramedics have said!" He said.

"It's alright Bailee. I'm here."


Eddie smiled. "I'm here darling. Stay with me."

Bailee was crying. Blood was surrounding her. "I-It hurts," she sobbed.

The paramedics arrived along with the fire crew. "What happened?"

"She was upset and drove off. Next we know, there's a bang and she's flipped the car," Eddie said.

The Paramedic nodded. He looked at Bailee. "Right, she's going unconscious. We need to get her out now!"

It took thirty minutes for them to get Bailee from the car. She had lost consciousness. The paramedics pushed her into the resus department.

Eddie, Rachel and Lenni stood outside as they battled to save Bailee. "This is all your fault," Lenni said to Rachel.


Lenni nodded. "You took Summer from her. She couldn't handle that and now look! She's fighting for her life!" She yelled.

Eddie had to agree that Lenni was right. It was down to Rachel that Bailee was in this state. "When she wakes, we're getting her daughter back. I don't care now. It's what is right," he said.

The doctor came out. "Bailee Lawson?"

Everyone stood up. Eddie was the one who spoke. "How's Bailee?"

The doctor took a deep breath. "Bailee is severely unwell. The crash has done some damage to her liver but thankfully the baby survived."

Everyone was shocked. "What baby?"

"Bailee is pregnant. You didn't know that?"

Rachel scoffed. "Summer isn't even four months old and she's pregnant already?! I've had it now. I'm sorting this out once and for all. Can we see her?"

Rachel stormed into Bailee's room. She glared. "How stupid are you Bailee?"

"Piss off! It's your fault I'm in this mess! You and dad!" She yelled. She didn't want to be around her mum. Not after what she had done.

Rachel glared. "Don't you dare blame me for your mistakes Bailee! I'm not the one we made you get pregnant again!"

Bailee paled. She didn't know she was pregnant. She felt her stomach. "I-I want my Summer back," she sobbed.

Rachel scoffed. She looked at Bailee. "That won't happen."


Rachel went to get some coffee. Lenni stayed behind with Bailee. "Everything will be fine. Trust me."

"How? I'm pregnant again. Summer is only four months old. I'm a slut."

Rachel walked in. "I have something to tell you," she told Bailee.


Rachel sighed. "You either give this baby up for adoption or you'll never see Summer again."

Bailee was shocked. What did she do?

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