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Bailee stood with her baby. The door opened and in walked the father. "Meet Summer. She's your daughter."

Tom was shocked. He looked at Bailee. "She's mine?" He asked. He couldn't believe what he had been told.

Bailee nodded. "Yes she's yours. I wouldn't have called you down here if she wasn't."

"It was only the once. We were careful," Tom said.

Bailee rolled her eyes. She looked at Tom. "It only takes once. I worked out the dates and she is your daughter. I just thought you should know," she said.

Lenni was sitting in Luke's living room. He was trying to get her to start drinking again. She didn't want to. She was going to be strong. For her niece.

Luke had enough. He slapped Lenni and glared. "Drink Lenni. I've not made this for nothing," he spat.

Lenni drank the alcohol and immediately wanted to be sick. She felt horrid. She didn't want to drink it. "I hate you prick," she spat.

Tom walked out. He couldn't believe he had gotten Bailee pregnant. He was doubting if he was the father. He knew she had probably slept with Max.

Before Tom took an interest in the baby, he wanted a DNA test. He wasn't going to love a child if she wasn't his.

Bailee sat with Summer. She held her hand tightly. "Don't worry princess. You'll always have mummy," she said.

Rachel and Eddie walked in. "We've got you a nursery set up at home. Eddie and Lenni are coming to stay with us. There's no point in me and Eddie being together if we live in separate homes," Rachel said.


Lenni laid in bed with Luke. She hated being with him. He made her sick. She couldn't understand how someone could be so horrid.

Luke smirked. "You were amazing like always."


Tom walked back in. He looked at Bailee. "I want a DNA test. I need to see proof she's mine," he said.

"You don't believe me? Tom! You're the only guy I've shagged lately."

"Not Max Tyler then?"

Bailee shook her head. "No! Believe me, I want to but I haven't. You are her father but if you don't believe me then get the hell out."

Tom rolled his eyes. "If she's mine I want to be there for her. To take responsibility for her," he said.

"You can have your DNA test but when it comes back she is yours, I want a damn good apology," Bailee spat.

Lenni walked back to the hospital. She wanted to be with Bailee and Summer. They were her reason for staying strong.

Lenni walked in and smiled. "How's little princess doing?" She asked.

Bailee smiled. "She's getting there. Doing well," she said as she looked at her baby. "Where'd you run off to?"

Lenni shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I'm back now."

"Goodie cause believe me. I've missed my sister slut," Bailee joked.

Lenni grinned. "I've missed my whore too."

Bailee hugged Lenni. Thankful she finally had someone who could be there.

A/N - This is dedicated to Carolineeexx. Xx

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