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Bailee stumbled into the house. She had been out getting drunk every night  since she had Summer taken from her. She hated her parents.

Lenni walked downstairs. "Bailee? Are you okay?"

"I-I miss her so much. I want to hold her again. I want to kiss her little head. I-I want to see her smiling again," she sobbed.

Lenni held her sister close. She hated how Eddie and Rachel had taken Bailee's from her. "It's alright. All we need to do is get you better and then she can come back," she said.

When the morning came, Bailee went downstairs. Rachel smiled. "Good morning Bailee. You alright love?"

Bailee glared. "Why don't you go and suck someone's dick. You should be used to that," she spat.

"Don't talk to your mum like that!" Eddie yelled.

Bailee rolled her eyes. "You both took my baby from me! What the hell am I supposed to do?!" She yelled back.

Rachel sighed. "Eddie, she's lashing out. It's to be expected," she said.

Bailee walked out the house. She broke down again. She walked to school. She saw Kim arrive. She frowned when she saw Kim take a baby out the back seat.

Bailee knew the baby was Summer. She stormed over. "W-Why do you have my baby?" She asked.

Kim sighed. "I applied to become an emergency foster carer. They called me up and asked if I'd take a baby on. I agreed," she said.

"B-But she's mine. You can't do that," Bailee mumbled.

"I'm sorry."

Bailee walked to the office. She threw the door open not caring that Max and Eddie were there. "I wish you wasn't my mother. I hate you so much!" She yelled.



Eddie grabbed hold of Bailee. Bailee pushed him away. She began trashing the office. No one dared to stop her.

Bailee walked from the office. She grabbed a fire extinguisher and smashed a window. She felt the glass shatter. She didn't care. She wanted her baby back.

Everyone came out their classes to see what had happened. Lenni was standing there. She knew her sister was self-destructing.

Bailee had blood pouring down her arms but she didn't care. She grabbed her bottle of vodka from her bag and downed it.

Eddie and Rachel ran from the office. They saw the chaos that Bailee had caused. "Where did she go?" Eddie asked.

"She went that way," Tom told him. He couldn't forgive Eddie and Rachel for what they had done.

Bailee was staggering down the corridors. She saw Kim. "Oi! Campbell! Where's my baby?" She yelled.

Kim looked at Bailee. She walked over to her. "You're in no fit state to see her. At this rate, you won't ever get her back. Me and Max will raise her," Kim said.

Bailee didn't know what to do. She turned and walked back to the office. She saw her mums car keys. She picked them up and left.

Bailee got into the car. She started the engine. Everyone had come out. Lenni stood in shock. She couldn't believe how bad Bailee was.

Bailee sped off out the school gates. Eddie looked at Rachel. "Call the police."

"Eddie they'll lock her up. Drinking, underage driving!"

"Rachel! There's a vulnerable girl driving around! Who knows what will happen!" He yelled.

That's when there was a loud screech followed by a bang...

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