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Bailee wanted another drink. She had finished what she needed to. She walked over to the bar. "Oi! Terry! Another drink."
"Alright Lee."
Bailee rolled her eyes. She hated being called 'Lee'. She actually liked her name. Her full name was Bailee-Faith Aleesha Mason.

Bailee got her drink and downed it. "Careful. You'll get too drunk."
"Wouldn't that be such a shame? I'd actually forget your handsome face," Bailee said to the guy who had sat down next her.

"I'm Simon," he said.
"Bailee," she said. Simon smirked.
"So what's a good looking guy like you doing here all alone?" Bailee teased.
Simon grinned. "Hoping to meet a good looking girl like you."

Bailee and Simon had a drink together and then got up to dance. Bailee wrapped her arms around his neck as they danced together.
"You're hot," she whispered in his ear.
"You're cute."
Bailee smiled. "Thanks."

They went to get another drink. Bailee downed it and grinned. "Tell me about yourself."
"Not a lot to tell."
"Oh come on. A good looking guy all alone in a club. Must be something."
"Well I don't have anyone at the minute. Kinda lonely. What about you?" Simon asked. He made circles with his finger tips on the back of her hand.
"The same as you really."

Simon moved closer to her.
"We should go somewhere quiet," Simon whispered.
"Where could that be?" Bailee teased.
"My house."
Bailee grinned and nodded. "Let's go."

They went outside. Bailee grinned at him. "So, where's your car?"

Simon took Bailee to his house. Bailee grinned. "Very nice."
"Thank you. I try my best."

They went inside. Simon pushed Bailee against a wall. He started kissing her neck. Bailee moaned loudly. She could feel his bulge growing.
"Damn someone wants me," Bailee whispered.
"Yeah, he does."

Bailee pulled Simon's face up to hers and made out with her passionately.
"You're bloody gorgeous," Simon told her as they walked to his room.
"Not bad yourself but I want to see what you're hiding from me," Bailee replied.
Simon got her on the bed. She looked at him. "You're so hot."
"Why thank you."

Bailee straddled Simon and kissed him. He kissed back with passion. Bailee bit his lip. "You're hiding something," she whispered.
"Says who?"
"Simon Junior," Bailee teased. Simon smirked and kissed her neck. Bailee reached under Simon and began to undo his zip and belt.

Simon pulled away when he felt Bailee pull out his member.
"You're a big boy," she said.
"I hope you like."
"Oh I do."

Simon and Bailee kissed passionately. Bailee began to feel Simon's body.
"You've got a good body," she told him. Simon grinned.
"Let me see yours."
Bailee let Simon strip her off. Bailee grinned when she felt his hardened manhood. "Hello."

Simon pushed in and bit her neck. Bailee moaned and grabbed his face. They began kissing passionately.

Bailee wasn't a virgin but she felt Simon doing something that no one had ever done. "That feels so good," Bailee moaned.
"I'm glad."
"Does it feel good for you?" Bailee teased.
Simon smirked. "Wouldn't still be here if it didn't."

Bailee and Simon both climaxed. Bailee kissed him passionately.
"I like you," he said. Bailee smirked.
"I like you too."

Bailee wanted a go again. She straddled him. Simon smiled up at her.
"Hello there."
Bailee smiled and kissed him. She felt him push in again.

They went at it. Bailee loved it. They soon both climaxed. Bailee got off him and collapsed down next to him. "That's the best I've ever had."
Bailee nodded and kissed him. "Yeah. Thanks."
"Don't have to thank me," Simon said. They kissed passionately again.

Simon held Bailee close. Bailee laid a hand on his chest.
"Can I see you again?" Simon asked.
Bailee smiled widely. "You want to?"
"Of course I do."

Bailee pecked his lips and nodded.
"Of course you can," she said. Simon kissed her lips gently.
The next morning came and so Bailee kissed Simon. "I've gotta go."
Bailee nodded. "I don't want to but I need to."

Simon grabbed his boxers and put them on. He kissed Bailee. "Where can I take you?"
"I'll get a taxi. Don't worry."
"You sure?" Simon asked. Bailee nodded and kissed him again. "Here's my number."
Simon quickly scribbled down his number on a piece of paper and handed it to her. Bailee smiled.
"I'll text you when I'm home."

Bailee called a taxi and kissed Simon before getting in. She went to her house and opened it up. Her mum had left for work.
Bailee got changed into her uniform. She smiled at how revealing and short is was.

Bailee walked to Waterloo Road and smirked. She was going to make the guys want her.

She walked inside and smirked when everyone looked at her. "You lot looking at something?"
"You're fit!" Bolton said. Bailee smirked and winked at him before blowing him a kiss.

Bailee walked to the office and went on inside without knocking. Max and Rachel both stood up.
"Where the hell do you think you've been all night?" Rachel spat.
"Out mother."
"I need to know where you are."
Bailee laughed. "Just so you can check up on me?"

Bailee spotted Max immediately and went over to him.
"Hello. I'm Bailee," she said seductively.
Rachel glared. "This is Mr Tyler. The exectutive head."
"Oh! The one you slag off by saying he's an arse who's shagging Kim but married?" Bailee asked.
Rachel looked at Bailee. "Shut it."

Bailee had been enrolled in the school. She followed Rachel to her classroom. "Don't you dare undermine me like that again," Rachel said. Bailee laughed.
"You don't scare me."

Bailee went on inside to her classroom. Tom was her teacher.
"Oh hello there," Bailee said.
"Who's this?" Tom asked Rachel.
"My daughter. She's a new pupil."
Tom nodded. "Sit down next to Laura."
"Okay handsome."

Bailee sat down. Laura looked at her. "What?"
Laura shook her head. "Nothing. Your skirt is too short. We don't allow it that short."
Bailee rolled her eyes. "Well, I do allow it this short."
Laura scoffed and didnt say anything to Bailee. Bailee pulled down her shirt a bit more so that more of her cleavage was showing for Tom.

Tom smirked down at her. He tried not to show he was enjoying seeing Bailee. He knew it was wrong. Tom began to teach. He handed out the books and sheets to Bailee that she had missed.

Bailee spent the morning teasing Tom. Tom was trying to not react but he couldn't help it. Bailee grinned and winked. She knew Waterloo Road was going to change her. She just didn't know how.

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