Twenty two

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Bailey sat in bed and sighed. She looked to Isla and smiled. She knew how her head was a mess. She knew how things were with Rachel. But she knew that she wasn't going to be bullied.

Bailey knew that she wanted things to be okay with her and Max. For Isla's sake. And she didn't know what to do.

Bailey knew how Rachel was acting and she hated it. She was tired and she had to deal with a baby.

She knew that she couldn't deal with her being taking a tantrum over the fact that she didn't like the fact that Max Tyler had been the one to get her daughter pregnant.

Bailey stood from the bed with Isla. She smiled as she looked to her daughter. "I know how things are baby. But mummy promises it will all be okay," bailey said as she walked into the kitchen.

She frowned as she saw Rachel who looked to her and sighed. "We need to talk," Rachel said.

"Look I don't want to argue with you whatever it is," Bailey told her. 

"We need to talk about Max. I decided for your sake, I am not going to report Max. As long as I know nothing is going on with you two."

"We're getting along for Isla that's all," she said.

Rachel nodded. "Than that's what he needs to do. He needs to pay child support. I am not paying for the baby when I have to pay for you and your sister. Child support. Or you're both out," she said as Bailey frowned.

She was in shock that her mother was threatening to kick her out.


Bailey got to school. She smiled as she saw max and looked to him. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Bailey nodded and smiled. "I'm okay...I guess. My head is a mess. My mum said that you need to pay child support. Or she is going to kick me out. She said she won't pay for me now," she said.

Max looked to her. "She would actually do that to you. I mean you're her daughter."

Bailey nodded. "She's that vindictive."

Max looked to her and smiled. "I will pay for Isla. But I don't think it's safe for Isla to be around your mum when she is just like that. Maybe you can come and stay with me. I can help with Isla more. And I will look after you. No funny business. I promise," he told her. 

Bailey nodded and smiled. "I'll think about it."


Bailey sat in the common room. She looked to see Lenni as she walked in and looked to her. She smiled. "Are you okay?" Lenni asked.

Bailey looked to her and smiled. "I don't know. My head is a mess...Max asked me to move in. And the way it is with mum, I think I might it's a mess," she said.

Lenni looked to her and nodded. "I get it. Why do you think I'm always with Tom? It's not just for Thea. It's cause she's know. You need to do what's best for you and Isla. Even if it means moving in with Max Tyler," Lenni said.

Bailey looked to her and smiled. She knew Lenni was right but could she actually take this step with Max?

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