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A/N - I'm changing the name of Bailee's baby from Maisy-Lee to Isla-Mae❤️

Bailee had been discharged from the hospital. The baby was still in NeoNatal. Bailee didn't know if she could visit. She knew she would grow an attachment to her and she was scared she would lose her.

When morning came, Bailee walked downstairs. Eddie handed her some breakfast. Bailee sat down and sighed. Eddie smiled. "The hospital called. They said the baby can come home today," he said.

Bailee looked at her him. "What?"

"She can come home. That's good isn't it?" Eddie said as he took a sip of his coffee.

Bailee shrugged. "I don't know."

Eddie had convinced Bailee to go with him to get the baby. Bailee sighed. "I want her to be called Isla-Mae."

Eddie laughed. "I knew you'd change her name."

"What? I never named her," Bailee said as she looked at her dad.

Eddie sighed. "Your mum named her. We didn't know what you wanted to name her," he said.

Bailee frowned but soon got angry. "You're telling me that the mother who is the reason I never got to say goodbye to my daughter took it upon herself to name this baby? What's she planning on doing? Having her call her mummy?!"

"Calm down."

Bailee got her phone and text Max. They had been seeing each other in secret:

My mother decided to name the baby. I changed it - Bailee x
Good. She's your baby. Don't let her take over - Max x

Bailee smiled. She knew Max wanted to raise Isla as his own and Bailee wanted that. She knew Isla wouldn't have her father. But Bailee didn't know if she was 100% sure she wanted to keep her.

Eddie arrived at the hospital. He took the car seat out of the back of the car. He smiled. "Let's bring little lady home," he said.

Bailee just nodded. She was scared. Scared she would form a bond with her baby and lose her. Eddie noticed how she had gone quiet. "It's going to be okay."

"How? How is it? I can't even love my own baby because I'm scared that I'm going to lose her," she said.

Lenni walked in. "Where's dad and Bailee?" She asked as she sat Thea in her high chair.

Rachel smiled. "They've gone to fetch Maisy from the hospital."

Lenni rolled her eyes. "Bailee didn't name her Maisy. It's her choice what she names the baby."

Rachel sighed and handed Lenni some coffee. "Bailee doesn't seem bothered about naming her. So I took charge of that."

"Maybe Bailee doesn't want to get attached to her baby in case the wicked witch of Waterloo Road takes her again," Lenni said.

Eddie carried the car seat with Isla in. Bailee was scared. Eddie sighed. "It's going to be okay. She's not going anywhere. I promise."

Bailee looked at her dad and sighed. She opened the car door. "Don't make promises you won't be able to keep. I can't love the baby. I'm going to end up losing her too. Or mum will take her from me," she said.

Eddie knew his daughter was struggling. But he wanted to be there for her. To show her that she could love her baby and be the mum he knew she could be.

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