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Bailee had finally made her mind up about the baby. She knew she would be judged for it but it was for the best. She needed to.

When she woke that morning, she got out the bed and walked to the Neonatal ward. She walked inside. "I'd like to see my baby please."

Bailee walked over and saw her little girl fast asleep. "How is she doing?" Bailee asked.
"She's doing remarkably well. Much better than most babies her size," the nurse said.
Bailee smiled. "That's cause she's a brave girl. She knows she's got people wanting her to get better."

Bailee smiled down at her little girl. The nurse smiled at her.
"She is a very brave girl. We're all very proud of her," the nurse said. Bailee smiled.

She put her hand in and her little girl wrapped her fist around her finger.
"You're so precious," Bailee said to her little girl. She slept peacefully and seemed to smile in her sleep.
Every minute Bailee spent with her baby, it made her want to keep. Her mind kept on changing. "If only we could tell your daddy."

The door opened and Lenni walked in. "Thought you'd be here," she said.
Bailee smiled. "Yeah. I just want to spend every possible minute with her. You know?"
Lenni grinned. "Have you made your mind up?"
"Yeah. I'm keeping her. I can do this. I'm going to raise my baby and I'm naming her Summer-Skye Eleanor," Bailee said.
"I can help you out," she said. Bailee smiled and thanked her.

Lenni disinfected her hands and put her hand into Summer. Summer gripped her finger too.
"She's adorable Bailee," Lenni told her.
"Thanks Lenni," she told her.

Bailee smiled as the nurse came over.
"We have to do her morning check on her," the nurse said. They nodded and took their hands out from Summer.
Bailee smiled at Lenni. "She's so beautiful."
"Yeah. Lee, who's her father?" Lenni asked.
Bailee fell quiet. "I don't want to to talk about him."

Bailee walked back to Bailee's room. They heard Eddie and Rachel talking. "Eddie, they need to know!"
"Rach. They can't know."
"Know what?" they both asked. Eddie sighed. Rachel smiled.
"Come in girls," Rachel told them.

Both girls went inside. They sat on the bed. Bailee looked at Eddie and Rachel.
"I'm keeping my baby. I'm naming her Summer," Bailee told them. They smiled.
"That's good to hear," Eddie said.
Bailee nodded. "What did you want to say?"

Eddie looked at Rachel. "No."
"Girls, you're both sisters."
Both girls were extremely confused. "What do you mean?" Lenni asked.

Rachel sighed. "Lenni, you and Bailee are sisters. Non-identical twins. When Eddie and I seperated, we each took a baby. I had Bailee and he had Lenni."

Bailee was angry, hurt and confused. "You bitch!" Bailee screamed. She went for Rachel. "You kept this from me my whole life!"
Lenni held her back. She pulled her sister out of the room. Lenni took her outside.

Bailee was angry. She kicked the wall and groaned loudly.
"Calm down Bailee," Lenni said.
Bailee sighed. "Why keep this from us?"
"I don't know but being angry won't find out."

Lenni calmed Bailee down. They sat down outside.
"Think of Summer. She doesn't want her mummy being silly," Lenni said.
"Yeah. I guess."
Lenni smirked. "See I'm always right."

Bailee and Lenni were talking. Bailee smiled. "Who knew my bestie knobhead would turn out to be my sister."
"Shut it slut," Lenni joked. She and Bailee always joked and called each other names.
The girls laughed. Lenni smiled.
"Now I'm an auntie," Lenni told her. Bailee giggled.
"Yeah you are," Bailee said. Lenni smiled.

They decided to go back inside. They wanted answers from Rachel and Eddie. Bailee opened her room door and the girls went inside. Rachel and Eddie stood up as the girls went inside.
"We want to know everything," Lenni said.
"We've told you. Eddie and I met when we were in our 20s. We were in love. We discovered we were having a child but got a shock when it was twins. We thought we would be a happy family then when you were born, sleepless nights happened."
Eddie continued. "We fought so much it was ruining us. Naturally we split and I took Lenni."

Lenni nodded. "So you didn't think we would ever meet?"
"No we didn't. We wanted to tell you both as soon as we knew you two were best friends," Eddie admitted. Rachel agreed with him.

Lenni smiled and so did Bailee.
"So I'm an auntie now and you're both grandparents," Lenni said to them. Rachel laughed.
"I guess so."
Bailee looked at them. "This will take a lot of getting used to," Bailee admitted.

Lenni went to stand outside. A car pulled up. "Hello Lenni. Long time."
Lenni paled at the voice of her ex boyfriend - Luke.

Lenni got in the car to avoid anyone seeing her with him. "You'll never see anyone of these twats again."

Before anything Lenni was driven away from the hospital.

Bailee stood with her baby. The door opened and in walked the father. "Meet Summer. She's your daughter..."

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