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Bailee woke to the sound of the phone ringing. She went downstairs to answer it. She was still in recovery from the accident and needed to rest as much as possible.

Bailee answered the phone. She lost the little colour from her cheeks and dropped the handset. Bailee screamed quite loudly.

Eddie and Rachel woke to the sound of Bailee's screams. Immediately they got out of bed and ran downstairs. They saw their daughter sitting on the floor. The tears rolling down her face.

Eddie walked over. "Bailee? What's happened?" He asked.

Bailee looked up. "SHE'S DEAD!"

Eddie frowned. He looked at Rachel and then back to Bailee. "Who's dead darling?"

"Summer! She died," she sobbed.

Eddie was shocked. He looked at Rachel and saw the horror on her face. She didn't know what to do.  Bailee was in hysterics.

Eddie took Bailee to the hospital. Kim was there. She was crying too. "Kim, what happened?" Eddie asked.

Kim looked at them. "I went to wake her for a feed when she didn't wake me up. I went into her room and saw she wasn't breathing. They think it's cot death," she said.

Bailee was in tears. She couldn't stop them. "I want to see her. On my own," she said.

Bailee was taken to where Summer was. The doctor let her in. Bailee felt her damaged heart shatter even more when she saw her little girl there.

Bailee walked over and picked up Summer's lifeless hand. "I'm so sorry baby. You must have been so scared. I'm sorry I was a rubbish mummy to you. You deserved better than me. You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye. I'm so sorry you were alone. I'll always love you baby girl. Don't ever forget that," she sobbed.

Rachel went to wake Lenni and tell her what happened. Lenni groaned at being woken so early in the morning. "What's happened?" She asked.

Rachel was crying. "Bailee had a phone call about an hour ago. Summer died," she said.

Lenni broke down in tears. She couldn't believe her niece had died.

Eddie brought Bailee home. She was in tears. Rachel went to greet her. Bailee glared. "This is all your fault," She spat at Rachel.

Rachel frowned. "How?"

"If you hadn't have taken her and put her into care, she would still be alive!! I'm never going to see her smile again. I'm never going to hear her laugh or see her grow up. It's all your fault! I will never forgive you."

Bailee went to her bedroom and broke down. She knew she had a baby on the way but she hadn't been able to form an attachment to this baby yet. She wanted her baby girl back. Her little Summer.

The door opened and Lenni walked in. "Bails, I'm so sorry," she sobbed.

Bailee broke down crying and screaming. Lenni held her sister as she did. "It should be me who died," she sobbed.

Lenni didn't know how to comfort her sister in her moment of need. She didn't know how much Bailee was going to break down.

Rachel and Eddie were talking. Eddie sighed. "I knew we should have kept her with us."

"Eddie, when I had Summer taken from Bailee, I did it to keep my granddaughter safe. She wasn't safe around Bailee being on drugs and drinking. I didn't know this would happen," Rachel said.

Eddie scoffed. "Yeah, well, thanks to you and your meddling, our fifteen year old daughter is going through something no one should ever go through! She's grieving her daughter!"

Bailee laid in bed and cried. She was going to make everyone who took Summer from her pay.

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