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Bailee sighed as she walked into the park. Bailee knew just how complicated that things were but she had agreed to give Max a chance and let him be a dad.

He wanted to be there for Isla and Bailee knew it made her feel uncomfortable. But she knew that it wasn't about her.

It was about Isla. And what was best for her. And she knew that Isla deserved to know her dad and have him in her life. And Bailee knew it was complicated. but she knew that they were trying.

Bailee smiled as she saw Max as he sat on a park bench across the park and sighed. "let's go and meet your daddy. I know it's messy but mummy said she'd try. So you have to try too baby," Bailee said as Isla sat in her pushchair sucking on her dummy. 

Bailee smiled as she got to where Max was waiting for her and smiled. "Thanks for coming. I know that you didn't want to come. But she is my daughter. And I want to get to know her. Pay my way for her," Max said. 

Bailee got Isla out of the pushchair and handed her to Max. He took her and smiled. She could tell he was uncomfortable. "Relax. She can sense it. And I don't have an issue unless you let her down," Bailee said.

Max smiled. "I won't I won't do what my father did to me," he told her.


Bailee got home and smiled as she saw Lenni. "Don't worry they went out for lunch. How did it go?"

"It was awkward. But it was okay. He said he really wants to be a dad. Be there for her.  But I know it's not that easy. I mean I do want what is best for her. But I know how hard it is. I just want Isla to have the best. And Max can give her that," Bailee said.

"Money wise yeah he can. But they don't need money. They need love and that's what you give her and what he has to. Do you think he can? That's what you need to ask yourself," Lenni said. 

Isla sighed. "I think that he wants to and that's all I am asking right now. He is trying and it's all I can ask. He had a hard childhood without his dad and he said he doesn't want that for Isla. So I do think it can work. But I really don't know how the hell I am going to keep it from mum and dad," Bailee said.

Lenni smiled. "Oh I know trust me. Just keep him away from the house. It's the best way trust me. Or they'd know over me and Tom," Lenni said as Bailee looked to her and smiled. Knowing that she was right.


Bailee sat in her bedroom and looked to her phone as she sat texting Max. They had been texting, flirting even.

Bailee looked to Isla and smiled. She knew that she was why they were doing this. Bailee knew how they were both trying to find a way to make it work and to be parents to Isla. And they knew that it wasn't going to be easy. 

But with Isla going to be their main priority could they make it work?

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