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So far Bailee had kept Isla. She was struggling but she had done the best she could. Especially as she was missing Summer.

When she woke that morning, she saw Isla asleep in the cot. She got out of bed and walked over to the cot. She picked her up and sat on the bed with her. "I promise I'll never let you down. I won't ever say goodbye to you," she mumbled.

Eddie walked in and smiled. "How's the little lady?"

"She's okay. I'm not letting her leave my sight. I don't care what mum has to say," Bailee said as she stroked Isla's blonde hair.

Bailee was on maternity leave from school for six months. Eddie and Rachel brought her back some work everyday. Bailee knew if she wanted to leave Rochdale, then she needed to focus on her school work and being a mum to Isla.

Lenni held Isla as Bailee made herself a drink. "I'm telling you now, she's adorable."

"Haha. You've got your own baby," Bailee joked as she sat down. She was trying to be a good mum to Isla but all she thought about was Summer.

All too soon, Bailee was left alone with her daughter. She sighed and got Isla settled in the Moses Basket. She sat on the sofa and felt the tears hit her. She was missing Summer.

Eddie went to the office. Max and Rachel were both there. Eddie smiled. "Bailee's doing well with Isla," he said.

Rachel nodded. "I still can't believe she changed her name. Maisy was an okay name."

Eddie sighed. "Rach, She isn't your baby. You can't name her," he told her.

"Well clearly Bailee didn't seem too thrilled at the thought of naming her."

Bailee decided to take a walk to Summer's grave. She hated how she never got to say goodbye to her. But she knew that Summer was in a better place.

When she got Isla ready, she left the house. She got a text from Rachel:

We're going for dinner tonight. Make sure you behave - Mum x

Bailee didn't reply. She couldn't be bothered arguing with her own mother. She looked down at Isla who was fast asleep. "I promise you. We'll leave this place soon and never come back," she mumbled.

Rachel and Eddie returned home with Lenni and Thea. They saw Bailee wasn't there. Eddie found a note;

Gone to Summer's grave.
Only time I can see her now thanks to mum

Eddie sighed. He knew how much Bailee was still hurting due to what Rachel had done. It broke his heart knowing that his family were torn apart.

Bailee came back and sighed. "I'm not going to your fancy meal. I'm staying here with Isla," she said.

Rachel frowned. "I told you earlier. We were all going. Isla and Thea are coming too."

Bailee rolled her eyes. She sat down and didn't move. She knew she had to not let on she was leaving. But could she really leave her dad and her sister behind?

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