Twenty three

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Bailee knew how things were and she knew it wasn't Easy. Bailee knew that her head was a mess. She knew she was thinking about Max and how he had offered to have her and Isla move in with him.

She knew her head was a mess and she didn't know what to think.

Bailee knew how things were with Rachel at home. She knew it wasn't easy at all. She knew how Rachel was making digs at her about being a mother and about Max and she hated it.

She knew it wasn't easy and she knew that she was really starting to consider it all. She was wanting to do what was best for Isla.  She knew that being with her dad could be it.

Bailee looked to Isla as she lay asleep in her crib and smiled as she looked to her. She sent a photo of her to Max. She knew it wasn't easy. And she knew how hard that she was trying.

Bailee knew it wasnt easy. She knew that he was a good guy. He a good dad. Rachel was getting more and more on her nerves lately.

Bailee walked down into the kitchen. She looked to see Rachel who looked to her. "Whatever it is. I am not in the mood," she said. 

Rachel looked to her. "I am only looking out for you. I know it's a mess. But I am your mother. And I will always look after you," she said as Bailee rolled her eyes.


Bailee got to school and walked into the common room and looked to see Lenni. "Hey."

Lenni smiled as she walked over and sat next to her. "You look stressed. Let me guess mummy dearest?" She asked.

"I guess she is doing my head in. Telling me what I can do. And trying to control things about my daughter, Isla is mine, I lost a child and it was horrific. But Isla is my second chance. And I am a good mum. I don't need her telling me what I can and can't do," Bailey said.

Lenni looked to her and smiled. "She is the same with Thea. That's why I am always with Tom. Why don't you think about Max? I mean it may not be how you planned. But in the end it may be what is best for Isla," she said as Bailee looked to her and sighed.

She knew that she had a point about it all.


Bailee walked into Max's office. He looked to her and smiled. "Hey. Are you okay. Is everything okay?" He asked.

Bailee looked to him and smiled. "Yeah it's all good. I wanted to talk to you about your offer."

"What? When I asked you to move in, I meant it. Why are you interested?" Max asked. 

Bailee sighed. "I'm considering it. I think you should take Isla for a few days. I don't want her near my mother. And so I can figure things out. It's what I have to do."

"Of course. And whatever you decide I'm here," Max said as Bailee smiled. She knew none of it was easy.

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