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Bailee hadn't been to school since she had lost her daughter. She didn't want the pitiful looks or the people saying they were sorry.

Bailee still blamed Rachel. She knew if Rachel hadn't got Summer taken into care, then she would still be alive. Bailee was going to get payback.

When morning came, Eddie walked into Bailee's bedroom. Bailee glared. "Get out."

"Bailee, you're coming into school today. I know it will be hard but you have to," Eddie said.

Bailee scoffed. "I'm going nowhere near that bitches school," She spat.

"Don't talk about your mum like that Bailee. She regrets what happened," Eddie said.

Bailee nodded. "Oh. She will regret it. I guarantee it."

Eddie and Rachel left with Lenni. Bailee grabbed her phone and called the LEA.

When she had finished on the phone, she got changed into her uniform. She was going to school and she wanted to be there when Rachel lost her job.

Bailee walked into school. Immediately, everyone came over. She ignored them all and walked inside. Lenni walked over. "It's good to see you Bails," she said.

"I'm here for the show."

"What show?" Lenni asked.

Rachel and Eddie were talking in the office. The door knocked and in walked a woman. "Miss Mason. I'm Mrs Davenport from the LEA. We've had a report that you're still working as a prostitute."

Rachel was shocked. She looked at Eddie. She knew who had made the report. "Look, the person who made this allegation, is my daughter. She's mad at something that's happened."

Bailee stood by the office door and watched as Rachel and Eddie came out. Rachel glared at Bailee. "You stupid little girl! I could have lost my job!"

"Good! That's what I wanted! I want you to lose something you care about and then you'll see how I feel now my daughter is DEAD!"

Rachel felt so bad for her daughter. She didn't want to admit it but she blamed herself too.

Rachel and Eddie had gone to supervise for break time. Bailee stood in the office and took out her lighter. She went to set fire to some paper when someone grabbed her.

"Don't be an idiot!"

Bailee turned to see Tom. He looked exactly like her. Broken. "Leave me," She spat.

"No! You do this and you'll be done for arson," Tom said as he took the lighter from her.

Bailee glared through her tears. "I have nothing to live for! I lost my daughter!" She yelled.

Tom sighed. "Bailee, think of the baby you're pregnant with. Then think of our little girl. Would she want you in prison?"

Bailee was in hysterics. She wanted to be with Summer again. She looked at Tom. "YOU weren't there! YOU didn't see her lying there! Dead! I did and it sucks. Seeing your baby girl DEAD!"

Suddenly, Tom grabbed Bailee and kissed her passionately. Bailee kissed back until she remembered who it was. She pulled away and slapped him.

Eddie was standing with Rachel. They heard someone gasp and turned to see Bailee standing on the edge of the roof. "Bailee!"

Eddie quickly went to run up to the roof. He knew how vulnerable Bailee was.

When he got there, Bailee was shaking. "Bailee? Come on darling. Come down."

"Piss off!"

Eddie sighed. "Summer wouldn't want this. She would want you to be happy and eventually move on," he said.

Bailee turned suddenly to Eddie. "Don't pretend you care now. It was you and mum who got her took into care," she spat.

Eddie felt bad. "I'm sorry darling. Your mum and I both regret what's happened. We're both so sorry."

Bailee couldn't handle it anymore. Eddie walked over and grabbed her. Bailee began fighting against him when she suddenly slipped.

No one could move as Bailee fell to the ground with a thud. Rachel ran over. "Bailee! Stay with me. Come on darling. Stay with me."

"L-Let me go," Bailee mumbled.

"No. That's not happening."

Suddenly, Bailee's eyes closed...

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