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Lenni stood and ran out the classroom. She found her parents. "Why are you both in a rush?"

They both looked at her. "Bailee's attempted suicide..."

Lenni was shocked. She couldn't believe what had happened. She felt like she was to blame. She looked at her parents. "How?"

"Cocaine overdose. She's been rushed to hospital."

"What about Summer?" Lenni asked.

Eddie, Rachel and Lenni arrived at the hospital. They went to find Bailee immediately. They were shocked to see Max Tyler there. "Max?"

"Bailee text me and asked me to come and collect her daughter."


They all sat down and waited. Max sighed. "They're pumping her stomach now. They've said if she keeps up this then she will need a liver transplant," he said.

Rachel was shocked. She wasn't aware Bailee had a problem. She looked at Lenni. "Did you know?" She asked.

"I-I knew she had a drinking problem but not drugs. She didn't tell anyone," Lenni said.

Eventually Bailee had been saved. She had woken up. She looked around she saw her family. "What?"

"Drugs?! Do you know how stupid that is?! You could have killed yourself! Don't you think about anyone but yourself?!" Rachel yelled.

Bailee felt so bad. She didn't look up. She wasn't telling anyone she wanted to die. They wouldn't understand. "Where's Summer?" She asked quietly.

"She's safe. Away from you and your drugs," Rachel spat.

"Mum. Calm down," Lenni said. She was mad at Bailee but knew she didn't deserve ear ache. She smiled at Bailee. "How do you feel?" She asked.

"Utter shit."

Lenni laughed slightly. She grabbed her phone and text Tom.

I'll forgive Bailee but not you. You hurt me - Lenni
Lenni. Please. It was just one night. I love you - Tom
Tom, you hurt me. Bailee has too. - Lenni

Rachel and Eddie went to get some coffee. Rachel sighed. "I think we need to place Summer into emergency foster care. She can't be around Bailee. Especially if she has a drugs problem," she said.

Eddie was shocked. He looked at Rachel. "That won't help at all. You know how much Bailee adores her daughter. To separate them would destroy her."

"I'm doing this for Summer. She needs better than a druggie," she said.

Lenni had heard the conversation between Eddie and Rachel. She ran to Bailee. "They want to put Summer into emergency foster care."

"They can't! She's my daughter. They can't do that!" She yelled.

Lenni held Bailee as she broke down. She felt bad for what their parents were doing. "It's alright. We won't let them," she said.

Eddie and Rachel walked back in with a woman. "Bailee, this is Marie Rushworth from Social Services. She's come for Summer," Rachel said. 

"NO! You're not taking her! She's mine!" Bailee screamed. She began crying. "Please! I'll stop. I promise. Don't take my baby," she sobbed.

Eddie held Bailee down. She was crying. The door opened and Max walked in with Summer. "It's for the best."

Bailee looked at Max. "You traitor! I hate you!" She yelled.

Summer had been taken. Bailee cried into her pillow. Rachel came over. "You'll get her back when you're off the drugs," she said as she rubbed Bailee's shoulder.

Bailee shoved her off. She glared at her and Eddie. "I will never forgive you for this. Never," she spat.

Everyone had gone. Bailee sat there holding Summer's blanket close to her. She was going to make them pay.  No matter what it cost.

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