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A/N - Lenni Lawson belongs to Carolineeexx and any kids she has.

Bailee went into school that morning and sighed. She had gotten into a fight with Rachel this morning and walked out in anger. Bailee hadn't done anything wrong which is why she walked out. She didn't want to be in a stressful environment.

When Bailee went inside and smirked at Max. "Morning Mr Tyler."

"Bailee. How are you today?" Max asked as Bailee adjusted her top to show her cleavage slightly.

Bailee shrugged. "As well as I can be."

Rachel drove into school. Bailee was standing outside. To Rachel, it looked like she was smoking. "Bailee!"

"Oh damn."

Rachel stormed over and took the cigarette from Bailee. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Rachel yelled.

"Nothing mother. Smoking isn't that bad and it's a damn sight better than what you did at my age!" Bailee retorted.

"And what was that?"

"Shagging for money," Bailee spat.

Suddenly Rachel got angry. She went to hit Bailee when someone grabbed her. "Rach no. You're in school."

Bailee looked to see a guy with grey hair standing there.  A girl was next to him. The guy turned to Bailee. "Don't ever talk to Miss Mason like that again," he said.

Bailee glared. "I'll talk to her how I damn well want. She's my mother and she soon shipped me off when it suited her," she spat.

Rachel sighed. "Leave it Eddie. She's just lashing out at me," she said. She smiled at Eddie. "This must be Lenni."

Eddie nodded. "Yes. This is Eleanor."

"I told you. It's Lenni. I hate my name," she spat.

Bailee and Lenni had clicked right away. They both had dislike for their parents. "So, you're new?" Bailee asked.

Lenni nodded. "Yeah. My so called mother kicked me out when she thought I was getting too wild," she replied.

Bailee grinned. "Is there such a thing as too wild? I prefer to think of it as having fun while we're young," she said.

Eddie and Rachel were talking. Max walked in. "Max, this is Eddie Lawson. Our new deputy."

"Max Tyler. Executive Head."

Eddie smiled. He left the office where he saw Bailee and Lenni. They were clearly skipping their class. "What are you two doing? You're supposed to be in lesson!"

Bailee smiled. "Well clearly we're not in lesson cause we got kicked out," she said.

Eddie glared. "Eleanor, you were warned to not start this bad behaviour again. You're grounded until further notice."

Lenni rolled her eyes. "Can't you see I'm bonding with Bailee? You can't ground me. I'm sixteen."

Eddie scoffed. "That's where you're wrong. Until you're eighteen I can ground you as and when I feel like it. Do you understand?" He asked.

Bailee and Lenni had been sent to the cooler. Bailee winked at Max. "I'd do him," Bailee said.

"He's not bad."

Bailee grinned. "Heck, I'd do any man who was hot."

Bailee and Lenni both knew they would become close. They couldn't wait to see what their friendship had in store for them.

A/N - Leave me ideas for this if you have any.

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