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Bailee and Lenni stumbled into school. They hadn't been home all night as they'd been out clubbing. Thankfully, Lenni had sobered up slightly but Bailee was still drinking. She had disguised vodka in a water bottle.

Lenni saw Max Tyler and Tom Clarkson watching them. "Lee, you needa sober up cause we're being watched."

Bailee grinned. "Let them watch. I'll strip for them if needs be," she said.

Lenni tried to not laugh at her but she found a drunken Bailee hilarious. She helped her best friend to walk. "Come on Sparky. Let's get you inside."

The girls went inside. Eddie and Rachel were standing there. "Where the hell were you two last night?" Eddie asked.

Lenni smiled. "We stayed over at Aleesha's studying. Quite fun," she said.

"Do I look like I was born yesterday?" Eddie asked.

Bailee sniggered. "Look a bit old for that matey," she said.

Bailee and Lenni went into their lesson. Bailee groaned. "My head kills."

"Yeah. It's going to. Doesn't help when you've been drinking all bloody night and morning," Lenni told her.

Bailee groaned. "Don't be so sensible."

"Believe me, being sensible is the only choice I have right now. Considering you're almost off your head," Lenni said.

Tom walked in. Lenni looked up and smirked. "He's the hottest."

"Nah. Tyler's better."

"Course he is. You just don't understand the level of hotness on Clarkson," Lenni said.

Bailee stumbled to her next lesson. Lenni walked behind her. "Lenni, we should go out again."

"Ha! I know I like to be wild but no thanks. That's effort," she said.

"So? Thought you were fun."

Lenni smiled. "Pass that vodka here."

Bailee and Lenni stood in the hallway sharing the vodka. They had gotten some suspicious looks but no one dared say anything.

That was until Eddie came over. "What's that?" He asked as he snatched the bottle from Bailee. He sniffed it. "Is this vodka?"

Bailee shook her head. "No. It's... Water that tastes like vodka," she replied. She was starting to feel dizzy.

Eddie scoffed. "You two are in a lot of trouble. Miss Mason and Mr Tyler's office. Now."

Eddie took the girls to Rachel and Max. As they got by the staircase, Bailee went dizzy and slipped. She fell down the stairs. "Bailee!"

Eddie ran down when he saw Bailee wasn't moving. He looked up at Lenni. "Go and get Miss Mason to ring an ambulance."

Lenni ran into the office. "Miss. There's been an accident. You need to ring an ambulance.".

"What's happened?" Rachel asked as she dialled 999. She saw how scared Lenni looked. "999 will need to know."

Lenni was in tears. "Bailee fell down the stairs. She wasn't moving."

Immediately, Rachel dialled 999 and went to her daughter. A crowd had formed round. Max saw them. "Everybody back to class!" He yelled.

Bolton looked up. "Is she dead?"

Lenni got mad and went for Bolton. "No she isn't dead! You sick son of a bitch," she yelled. She started hitting at him.

Eddie grabbed her but due to him having Bailee's blood on his hands, he had put it onto Lenni. Lenni broke down.

When the paramedics arrived, Bailee was rushed to Hospital immediately. Rachel went with her. Eddie had promised to take Lenni up later.

Bailee was rushed to CT. Rachel didn't want to lose her daughter. She couldn't. Rachel was in tears.

A doctor came out. "Miss Mason, we need to rush your daughter in for an emergancy C-Section."


"Bailee is 25 weeks pregnant. Didn't you know?" The doctor asked.

Rachel shook her head. She couldn't believe her daughter was pregnant. She had to hope that Bailee didn't know either.


Rachel looked up as in incubator came rushing past. Bailee's doctor came out. "Bailee delivered a baby daughter. Unfortunately, baby is severely unwell."

Rachel nodded. "How's my daughter?" She asked.

"She's in recovery. The fall down the stairs broke her ribs and we've had to reinflate her left lung."

Bailee woke in absolute agony. She looked up to see her mum. "Where am I?" She asked.

"You're in Hospital Bailee. You fell down the stairs at school," Rachel explained.

Bailee nodded and groaned. "What's happened?"

Rachel took a deep breath. "Did you know you were pregnant?"

Bailee was confused. "N-No. I'm not pregnant."

"Not anymore. You delivered a baby daughter but she's severly unwell," Rachel told her. She looked at her daughter. "Did you know?"

Bailee shook her head. "No! I didn't. If I did, do you think I would have been out getting drunk?"

Rachel had called Eddie and told him what had happened. Eddie went upstairs to Lenni. "Rachel's called."

"How's Bailee?" Lenni asked as she sat up on her bed. She had been worrying all day.

Eddie smiled. "Bailee is alright. She's going to be alright."

Lenni sighed in relief. She looked at her dad. "Can we go and see her?" She asked.

Eddie shook his head. "Not tonight. Bailee is tired and sore."


Eddie sighed. "Did you know she was pregnant?"

Lenni's eyes widened in shock. She didn't know about Bailee being pregnant. "N-No."

Eddie nodded. "She had a baby girl tonight. Extremely unwell. They're worried she won't last the night but they've not told Bailee that."

Bailee had curled up into a ball and she cried. She didn't want to be a mum. She was terrified at the thought.

Rachel walked in. "Hiya love. How are you?"

"Leave me."

Rachel sighed. "I know it's hard. But we'll do the best we can. I'll help out too."

Bailee sat up. "I'm not keeping her. As soon as she's better, she's being given up for adoption..."

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