Twenty one

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Bailee had been avoiding Rachel. She knew how Rachel knew that Max was Isla's father. She knew it was complicated.

She knew what Rachel thought of Max. She knew that she wasn't going to easily accept it.

Bailee knew that Max was Isla's father. And nothing she could do could change that. She knew that she didn't want to change that. She knew Max was a good man and he was a good dad to Isla.

Bailee got ready for school. She walked into the kitchen as she saw Rachel.

The two of them made eye contact. Bailee made a bottle for Isla.

Rachel looked to her and sighed. "Are you going to talk to me at all?" She asked.

Bailee looked to her. She shrugged. "What is there to say?"

"What? Aren't you going to explain yourself?" Rachel asked.

Bailee rolled her eyes. "What because I got pregnant. I didn't know who he was at the time. And no before you ask I don't regret it. I lost Summer. And you know it almost broke me. And now I have Isla and she's everything to me. Just because you don't like her father...well it's something that you have to deal with."

Rachel looked to her. She rolled her eyes. "Max Tyler is not a good man. He will hurt you. And he will hurt her. You are better off without him," she said as bailee looked to her and rolled her eyes.

"Stay out if it," Bailee said as she walked off.


Bailee got to school and sat in the common room. She looked to see Lenni as she walked in. She sat down next to her.

Lenni looked to her and smiled. "Are you okay?" Lenni asked.

Bailee sighed. "I have had better days. You don't need to worry over me," she said.

Lenni looked to her and rolled her eyes. "You're my sister. I heard you and mum arguing Woburn max. You shouldn't take notice of her. Max got you pregnant. And now you have the most amazing little girl. And you are making it work and it will be okay," she said.

Bailee looked to her and smiled. "Yeah I guess so. It's just a mess."

Lenni nodded. "I get that but don't let her get in your head. It will be okay. You have a child together. And you're making it work. Max isn't going to let you down . He is a good man."

Bailee looked to her and smiled. Hoping that she was right.


Bailee stood in the corridor. She saw Max as he walked over to her. "Can I have a word?" He asked as she nodded.

She followed him to the office and smiled. Max sat on the edge of the desk."Your mother cornered me about Isla," he said.

Bailee sighed. "I'm sorry. I should of told you. It took me by shock. I'm sorry," she told him.

Max looked to her and smiled. "Don't be. None of it is your fault. We are Isla parents. And she can't change that. I just want you to know,I am going no where. And you can count on me," he said as Bailee smiled.

She had no idea how Rachel was plotting to come between them.

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