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Warning: Mentions of drugs use.

Tom had gotten the results of the DNA test. He hadn't looked yet. He couldn't. He was too nervous.

When morning came, Tom opened his eyes and saw the envelope sitting on the bedside cabinet. He picked it up and opened it.

DNA testing
The DNA test shows that Mr Tom Clarkson is the biological father of Summer-Rose Mason.

Tom was shocked. He couldn't believe he was the father of Bailee's child.

Bailee was finally going back to school since having Summer. She was worrying because she hadn't seen Max. She thought he would hate her.

While Bailee was getting ready, the door opened and Lenni came in. "Wanna tell me what this is about?" Lenni asked.


Lenni threw Bailee's phone at her. Bailee looked at her phone.

She's mine. Your daughter is mine - Tom

Bailee was shocked. She looked at Lenni. "It was only the once. I didn't remember it happening. I'm so sorry," she said.

Lenni scoffed. "You knew how I felt about him! Why?!" She yelled.

"I was drunk! How can I control what I do when I'm drunk?" Bailee yelled.

Lenni slapped Bailee. "You're just a little slag," she spat. She walked out the bedroom.

Bailee had walked out the house. She saw someone standing on the street corner. "Are you selling?" She asked.

"What you after?"


Bailee was given a bag of cocaine. She walked off and went to the park. She couldn't face school. Not without Lenni. She knew Lenni would hate her.

Lenni walked to school and saw Tom. She walked over to him. "I hope you're happy with Bailee. You stay away from me," she spat.


"I know! I know you're the prick who knocked her up!" Lenni yelled. She walked off. She knew everyone was looking. She didn't care though.

Eddie walked over to Lenni. "What the hell was all that about?" He asked.

"Ask Bailee when she gets the nerve to come into school," Lenni spat.

Bailee was sitting in the park crying. She had gotten a note for Lenni.

I know you hate me. Believe me, I hate myself. I know you won't ever forgive me but there's one thing I need. Please can you raise Summer as yours? I don't want her being put into care. Mum won't take her. Please. She hasn't asked for any of this.

I hope in time, you'll forgive me for hurting you and betraying you.

All my love,

Bailee made sure that she had the note. She didn't want her daughter being raised by anyone other than Lenni.

Bailee felt everything going cold. She couldn't stay awake for much longer. Everything turned black.

Lenni was waiting for Bailee. Eddie and Rachel walked past. To Lenni, it looked like they were in a rush.

Lenni stood and ran out the classroom. She found her parents. "Why are you both in a rush?"

They both looked at her. "Bailee's attempted suicide..."

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