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Bailee knew that things weren't easy. She knew that she was trying to make it work. He was Isla's father. And she knew how they were getting close.

Bailee sat up and smiled as she picked up Isla out of her crib. She smiled as she kissed the top of her head and smiled.

"Mummy loves you so much. And she is going to do all she can for you," Bailee said as Isla looked up at her and babbled away.

She looked to see Lenni as she walked into the room. Lenni smiled. "Areyou okay? You look stressed," Lenni said.

Bailee looked to her and smiled. "I'm okay I guess. It's just that things are hard. And I am trying to make it work with Max. But I am trying to keep the fact that he is my baby daddy secret. I mean, you know what Rachel is like. And you know how she will react."

Lenni nodded. "I do. And I know it's hard. But you're a good mum. And despite how hard it is, Max is a good dad. And he is there for you. I promise it will be okay," she said as Bailee looked to Lenni and smiled.

Bailee hoped that Lenni was right. She knew how she wanted everything to be okay. But it wasn't easy.

All that she knew was that she hated keeping secrets. And Bailee knew it was only a matter of time before the truth came out.


Bailee got to school. She was stood in the hallway. She smiled as she saw Max. He walked over to her and smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Bailee looked to him and smiled. "I'm okay. It's just complicated. All that is going on."

Max nodded and smiled. "I know how hard things are. But we will make it work. We have a child together. And I care about you and about Isla," he told her as Bailee looked to him and smiled.

Max took her hand  "I know that we didn't plan any of this. But Isla means so much to me. And I know after Summer, she means everything. But I know you're worried about people finding out. Your mother especially. But I am not going to let her come between us," he said as he placed a hand on her arm as she looked to him and smiled.

She hoped that he was right. And that it would work out in the end.


Bailee sat in the common room. She looked up to see Rachel as she walked in. Rachel looked to her. "We need to talk," she said.

Bailee looked to her and rolled her eyes. "Funny. As I don't think we have anything to say. Leave me alone," she spat.

Rachel looked to her and sighed. "Not even about the fact that Max Tyler is Isla's father?" She said as Bailee looked to her and frowned.

She knew how this wasn't how she wanted the truth to come out. She knew it was a mess.

But Bailee had no idea just how everything was about to change.

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