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No one could move as Bailee fell to the ground with a thud. Rachel ran over. "Bailee! Stay with me. Come on darling. Stay with me."

"L-Let me go," Bailee mumbled.

"No. That's not happening."

Suddenly, Bailee's eyes closed...

The ambulance soon arrived. Bailee was rushed off to A&E. Everyone was worried. The pupils were all sent home.

Eddie took Lenni to the hospital. Lenni needed to know her sister was okay. "She will be okay won't she?" She asked.

Eddie sighed. "I don't know darling. She fell from a height," he replied.

Lenni was terrified. She couldn't lose her sister. Not after losing Summer.

They arrived at the hospital. Lenni and Eddie ran in. "Rach!"

Rachel turned to them. "They've taken her for a c-section. The baby is still alive. They can't risk the wellbeing of it," she said.

Eddie sighed. "Two kids she's had when she's close to death."


Eddie sat down. He looked at Rachel with tears in his eyes. "We can't lose her Rach. Not our Bailee," he sobbed.

A doctor came out. Two nurses were pushing an incubator. Eddie stood up. "Miss Mason? We've managed to get the baby out. She's fine but needs to be examined. Bailee's been taken for a CT scan."

"Will she be okay?"

The doctor nodded. "She's stabilised for now. We're keeping a close eye on her and the baby. But Bailee was pregnant with twins. One of them died on impact of the fall."

Rachel, Eddie and Lenni couldn't believe it. Lenni followed the baby to NeoNatal. She saw her being examined. "We won't lose you like we lost your sister. I promise," Lenni mumbled.

They were allowed to see Bailee. Thankfully she had woken up. Eddie took Bailee's hand. "Hey darling."

"I'm so sorry," she sobbed. She had bruises and cuts all over her.

Rachel sat on the bed. "Look, I forgive you for trying to lose me my job," she said.

Bailee looked at Rachel. "You're Nothing to me anymore! You're the reason I lost Summer!"

Rachel sighed and took her other hand. "If I could take it all back then I would. But I can't darling. I regret what happened so much. But you have a beautiful daughter. She will need you."

Bailee wiped her tears. "I-I can't. I can't see her. Because if I see her, I'll get attached and I might lose her," she mumbled.

Eddie sighed. He went to speak with a nurse. He wanted to see if Bailee could meet her baby.

Bailee looked up as the baby was brought in. "What's it doing in here?" She asked.

"Meet your baby girl."

Bailee was crying. "I can't love her. If I do, then I'm replacing Summer and I can't do that," she sobbed.

Lenni stood outside. Tom arrived. "Hey. What's happening?" He asked.

"She had to deliver the baby. She's small. Like really small but healthy," Lenni explained.

Tom smiled. "And Bailee?"

"She's fine too."

The baby had been taken back to NeoNatal. Bailee was crying. "You got your own way Mum. You said if I didn't give this baby away then I'd lose Summer. I've lost her now," she mumbled.

Rachel sighed. "Bailee, I'm so sorry. I promise you, we can keep the little one with us. We'll keep you off the drugs."

Bailee didn't care what Rachel had to say anymore. She looked at her mum. "A-As soon as I'm better, I'm leaving. You can keep the baby but I can't stay in Rochdale anymore."

Rachel was shocked. She was losing her Bailee. She wasn't letting it happen. She would keep her daughter in Rochdale. She was going to help her daughter love her baby.

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