Chapter 35

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AJ Lee's POV;
-a few Days Later-
I changed into my Seth Rollins cut shirt, black shorts, and black converse. I grabbed my Divas title and leather jacket. I walked to the curtain and waited for my music to hit.

I skipped down to the ring and slid in. I grabbed a mic and waited for the cheers to die down.

"At FastLane, I'll be facing Paige for this divas title. And I will win. You wanna know why? Because I'm not done being queen yet. And if Paige thinks that she is going to come in here and try and take me down, then you've got another thing coming. You see, I've won this title, lost this title, won it again and im not about to lose it to you, Paige. I know that we're both going to put up a hell of a fight, but only one person can come out on top. Your looking at her." I smirked, tapping my title which was resting on my shoulder.

"I've worked so hard to win this, I've worked so hard to be here, to be Divas Champion...and I'm not letting it go to waste. So Paige, you best prepare yourself for FastLane, because I'll tell you something, never underestimate a Black Widow." I dropped the mic and held my title up, skipping around the ring. I headed backstage and grabbed a water.

I went to me and Deans locker room and saw him pacing around the room. "What's wrong?" I asked, going up to him. "Hunter and Steph are putting US in a tag team match against Seth and Punk!" He explained.

" I'm in this match?" I asked, mostly to myself. "Yes! And I don't want you to get hurt.." He trailed off, resting his head on the wall.

"Look babe, I won't. Because, if you want to win, you've got to trust me. Okay?" I demanded, making him look up. "Okay."

-Later On-
We both watched as Seth and Punk came down to the ring, smiling cockily. Dean pecked my lips and held the rope down for me. I watched as he and Punk started off.

Punk tagged in Seth and Seth clothslined Dean. Dean stumbled to our corner and I tagged myself in. Dean looked at me, and I gently pushed him back. "Let me handle it." I murmured, before walking up to Seth.
I skipped around him and latched onto him, before connecting our lips.
I broke the kiss and untangled myself off him. While Seth was still processing the fact I kissed him, I tagged in Dean, who did his finisher on him to win.

I slid in the ring and grabbed my title. I jumped on Dean and showered him with kisses. The crowd cheered and we smiled.

We went backstage and we departed because he had interviews to do, so I went back to our locker room.
I just took my converse off when someone knocked on the door. I groaned and opened it, seeing Paige.

"Steph wants you down in the ring."
I nodded and slipped my converse back on and grabbed my title. I headed down to the curtain and waited for my music to hit.

I grabbed a mic on the steps and entered the ring, standing across from Steph.
"So, as you know, at FastLane AJ will b facing Paige for the Divas Title, but as of now, it's a Fatal Four Way for the Divas Title! It'll be Paige vs AJ vs Brie Bella vs Nikki Bella at FastLane!" Steph smirked, and I bit my lip.

"I know what your trying to do, and it's not going to work. I've beaten every single one of those Divas one on one, and I can do it again at FastLane. I am staying Divas Champ, whether you like it or not Steph." I told her, stroking my baby.
"We'll see about that AJ. I mean, Nikki and Paige have both beaten you for the Championship. Who knows, maybe they'll do it again." She shrugged.

"Cut the bullcrap, Steph. We all know that you've got something up your sleeve to make sure that I won't win at FastLane. Well guess what? You can throw any obstacles at me all you want, but in the end, this is my kingdom, and the Queen always ends up ontop."

-Next Day-
Nikki Bella's POV;
I watched on in annoyance as I saw Seth spinning Paige around backstage. "They look so cute together!" Brie squealed, and I turned around, glaring at her. "But you guys looked cuter." Brie stated, giving me a thumbs up.

"I know, and trust me. I've got it all worked out, but I'm gonna need you to listen." I told Brie, my eyes still on Paige and Seth.
"What'd you say?" Brie questioned. I looked over at her to see her gazing at something. I moved and saw Dean and AJ laughing together.

"You have a crush on Dean!" I exclaimed, making Brie blush. "Okay..fine I do. But, him and AJ Deserve to be together." She stated.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Lies! Look, you want to be with Dean, and I want to be with Seth! I have a plan, and it'll work just in time for our match at FastLane." I smirked, clasping my hands together.

[so this chapter is probably the worst😂 but hope u guys liked it🌚 anyways, I've decided that there's only gonna be 5 chapters left till the sequel🎉🎉🎉 but ooh Nikki's got a plan🌝]

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