Chapter 19

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AJ Lee's POV;
I stayed in bed until 11, when Dean made me get ready. I took a shower and changed into a black long sleeve, a grey leather jacket and dark washed skinny jeans. I threw on red chucks and combed my hair. "Shortstack someone's here to see you." Dean called out. I groaned and walked out to Dean. I saw my favorite brunette ever, Kaitlyn. "KAITYPOO!" I squealed and jumped in her arms. She laughed and hugged me before dropping me to the ground.

"I saw what happened yesterday and I just wanted to say your so much better than her. You created the divas division into what it is today." I nodded and felt a stray tear rush down my cheek. Dean brushed it away and held me close to him. "I was also thinking we could do some girl shopping before Smackdown?" She questioned, looking between me and Dean for approval. "Of course, I'd never say no to that." I joked and went to grab my wallet.

I kissed Dean goodbye and walked with Kaitlyn to her car.

-At The Mall-
We walked into the mall, looking for Forever 21. Once we found it, we rushed inside and started browsing. I picked out some sweaters and a few pairs of jeans. Kaitlyn picked out some pieces of jewelry and shirts. We payed for everything and walked to some more shops.

-Later On-
We arrived back at the hotel and I felt like I was gonna die. All in total I bought jeans, sweaters, sweats, yoga pants, hoodies and some more converse. I sipped on my coffee that we got from Starbucks. "Thanks for taking me out today. I needed it." I thanked Kaitlyn. She gave me a warm smile. We got out of the car and I grabbed my bags.
"I'll see you later tonight, ok?" Kaitlyn called, as I stepped out of the elevator. "Yeah." I waved and walked to the room. I unlocked it with the key card and dropped the bags on the bed. "Have fun?" Dean raised an eyebrow, amused. I shot him a 'Don't you even go there' look. "Well since you fell asleep last night, I never got to show you my surprise." Dean took my hands in his and lead me to the couch.

I noticed Harley Quinn comics and currently on the TV one of my favorite movies was playing, TMNT. "You didn't have to do this." I told Dean, as we sat on the couch. "I know, but I wanted too try and make you feel better." He wrapped his arms around me and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

We both stood up and I packed my bag for Smackdown while Dean turned the TV off. I slung my bag around my shoulder and waited for Dean to finish. Once he emerged from the living room, we connected hands and walked to the parking lot together. "So this Sunday is TLC.." Dean trailed off. I knew what he mean't. This Sunday I was facing Nikki for the divas title. This could be my last shot on becoming a 4x Divas Champion. "I'll be ready for it, I always am." I nodded, trying to believe myself as well. We got into the car and Dean drove us to the arena. We got out and retrieved our bags from the back. I walked over to the gate that separated the fans and wrestlers. I signed some things and took pictures with a few fans. I waved and walked inside with Dean hot on my trail.

We arrived at our locker room and I set my bag down. I took my phone out and scrolled through Twitter.
@WWEAJLee- tonight is the night I will get my revenge on @TheNikkiBella #BelieveThat
I turned my phone off as I heard Dean talking. I got up and walked towards the door, resting my head on Dean's shoulder. One of the refs were talking with him. "Alright, thanks for letting me know." Dean shut the door and turned around. "What now?" I wondered. "Stephanie set up a mixed tag match. Nikki and Punk vs you and me." I smiled and wrapped my arms around Dean's neck.

-Match Time-
I changed into my cropped 'Love you Till your Last Breath' shirt, denim shorts, my black belt, grey+pink converse, my skull socks and my usual wristbands and bracelets. It felt weird not having my title around. I was gonna have to get used to it. Dean was wearing his usual attire: grey tanktop, black 'Dean Unstable Ambrose' sweatshirt, blue jeans and black boots. We both walked to the curtain and noticed Punk and Nikki were already out, waiting. I also saw that Seth Rollins was on commentary.
Let's light it up, light it up, light it tonight, let's light it up...
I skipped out and twirled my hair as I sat on the ropes waiting for Dean. Dean's entrance music blasted and he came out, mumbling words I couldn't quite catch. I had to restrain him from literally killing Punk on the spot. I decided to start the match, because Dean was pretty much worked up, and he needed to cool down.

Nikki and I locked up, and I swung my legs around so they wrapped around her waist. I had her in the sleeper hold. She dropped to her knees and I licked my lips in excitement. Her arm locked in with my hair and pulled it until I released my grip on her. I backed her up in the corner and gave her some kicks. I skipped around a little bit before turning my attention back on Nikki. I went for a clothsline, but she took me down with multiple dropkicks.

I rolled over and held onto the ropes. She tried tugging me off, but I am a little spider monkey. The ref held her back so I took advantage and kicked her in the shin. She fell and I was about to hit the Shining Wizard when she moved. The mat connected with my back and I winced. I quickly crawled over to a raging Dean. I slapped his hand and he slid inbetween the ropes and went all 'LUNATIC FRINGE' on Punk. Dean suplexed Punk off the top rope and then Nikki got in the ring. The ref ran over to handle Nikki. Punk took notice of this and quickly undid the part of the turnbuckle so it was bare metal. Dean was distracted so Punk grabbed him from behind and hit his face off the turnbuckle.

Before the ref could count to 1, I got in the ring and started attacking Punk. "NEXT TIME YOU WANNA MESS WITH ME THINK AGAIN!!" I screamed as Nikki dragged me off him. She kicked me in the face and laid me next to Dean. I put my arms over my jaw to try and stop the swelling. I felt Dean grab my hand and I smiled to myself.

He eventually pulled himself up and helped me up. There was no winner of the match, and I was livid. Not about the match, about the fact Nikki and Punk have to cheat to "win" their matches. I stormed backstage with Dean trying to calm me down. "Where are you going? Our locker room is that way.." Dean asked, as I kept walking. I smirked and stopped once I reached my destination.
"Stephanie McMahon's office?"

Nikki Bella's POV;
I smirked as Punk and I walked backstage. "Thanks for your help. I should be getting back to Seth." I waved bye and walked to my locker room that I shared with Seth. I opened the door and saw Seth sitting on the couch. "Hey babe, you did amazing out there." He kissed me and I blushed. "I know, I know. This Sunday I'm facing AJ for the title again..What if I lose?" I questioned, looking down at my feet.

Seth pulled my chin up gently with his hand, making me look at him. "Don't even think about that. You know you'll win, I know and so does the Authority." He gave me a hug and I bit my lip. I have the best boyfriend ever. "Thank you Seth. For everything." I smiled. He shook his head, "Don't thank me, I'm just looking out for you." He ruffled my hair playfully.

"So what are we gonna do about the AJ situation?" I asked. "What do you mean? We all know you can beat AJ anytime anywhere." Seth told me. I sighed. "Your right, AJ is never getting this back from me." I held my title closely to my arms and rocked it back and forth. Watch out AJ, you never know when Nikki Bella is gonna pop up.
[wow, so it's already Christmas break for me, geez. anyways, i don't know how much more chapters of this book I'm gonna do till the sequel. thanks to everybody for reading this book so far❤️]

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