Chapter 23

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Paige's POV;
Now that Seth and Nikki broke up last night, we decided to make our relationship public. The little threats Nikki gave me last night didn't even faze me. She's just all talk. Seth and I walked into the arena hand in hand, not caring about the looks we got. Seth walked me to the Divas Locker Room and pecked my lips lightly. "Love you, see you after your match." Seth commented, giving me a hug. I blushed and walked inside, making all the divas look towards the door. Nikki must've filled everybody in with lies because they all gave me a dirty look. I ignored them and unpacked my attire for the night.

I changed into my black shorts, top and Doc Martens. I slipped my leather jacket on and walked to Hair and Makeup. On the way I passed by Brie who gave me a little smirk. I rolled my eyes and thought Wow Nikki, send your little puppets to try and intimidate me. Gosh..
Little did I know, it was only going to get worse from there.

AJ Lee's POV;
"So babe, I was thinking, we could go to Vince's New Years party that he's throwing. Everybody from WWE is invited." Dean told me. "Sure, I haven't been to a party in a few months." I nodded. I stood up from my spot on the couch. "I'm gonna go get ready, I'm gonna cut a promo." I walked into the bathroom with my bag to get ready.

I changed into black skinny jeans, red hightop converse, a 'Dean Unstable Ambrose' shirt and black leather jacket. I walked back out and Dean smirked at me. He kissed me and leaned his forehead against mine. I looked at the TV and saw that the current Match was over. I slipped out of Dean's grip and picked my baby up. I put it on my shoulder and walked to the curtain.

Let's light it up, Light it up, light it tonight, Let's Light it Up...
I skipped out and grabbed a microphone from ringside. I slid in the ring and leaned against the ropes. I cleared my throat before speaking.
"I don't know what went through CM Punk's head Monday on RAW thinking that he had the nerve to attack my boyfriend during his match. One thing that I hope to make clear to him, is you don't cross roads with Dean Ambrose and expect to make it out alive. As for Seth, Dean's beat you plenty of times so I don't know what your thinking if you think you can team up with Punk or something. Get that through your two toned head!!" I screamed, getting worked up.

"AJ, AJ, AJ. No need to get worked up about this situation. I know exactly what I'm doing. I plan on beating Dean Ambrose down to the pathetic, weak and useless person he is. As for you, AJ. I'm just getting started." Punk spoke on the titantron. The lights went off for a second then came back on. I looked in the ring and saw Nikki holding a steel chair with Brie beside her. I looked towards the ramp and saw Paige scurrying towards the ring. She slipped under the ropes and joined my side.
Nikki held the chair in front of her face so I just Dropkicked the chair so it hit her face. Paige and Brie were busy grappling, so I grabbed Nikki and did a roundhouse kick. I climbed to the top rope and once Nikki turned around, I performed a flying DDT. She rolled out of the ring and backed up the ramp just as Paige threw Brie out of the ring.

I think we got ourselves a new tag team.

Dean Ambrose's POV;
As April came back in the locker room, I pulled her into my lap and stroked her hair gently. I watched on the TV as Punk was currently fighting Fandango. Anybody can beat him, even Adam Rose's bunny. As soon as Punk was getting ready for the 'GTS', I picked April up and laid her on the couch. I ran to the curtain and played my music.

Punk looked at the ramp and gave me a death glare. If looks could kill, woo. I slowly made my way to the ring, and climbed the steel steps. Punk waved me off and turned around just as Fandango kicked him in the face. I smirked and watched as Fandango elbowed him in the chest from the top rope and won. I Waited until he exited the ring. I walked around Punk, with a microphone in my hand.

"I don't appreciate what you did to me on RAW Punk, and I also don't appreciate you antagonizing my girlfriend. And since I'm still the giving mood, I decided I'm going to give you, this." I dropped the mic and performed Dirty Deeds. The crowd roared with cheers but I wasn't done just yet. I threw a chair in the ring and performed Dirty Deeds again so Punk's head slammed off the chair.
I threw him out of the ring and into the barricade. Finishing him off, I pushed him over the announce table and he crashed into the chairs. I pulled the table up and threw it ontop of him. I picked up the mic again. "Next time you wanna say something, back it up bro." I walked backstage, leaving Punk tended by the doctors ringside.

I walked into the locker room and noticed April was still sleeping. I kissed her forehead and slipped on a black leather jacket. I wrapped one of my black hoodies around April to keep her warm. I slung our bags on my shoulder and scooped up April. Luckily she was like, what? 100 pounds?

I set her gently in the passenger seat and put our bags in the back. I got in the drivers side and drove to the hotel. We were flying out to LA tomorrow at 8 and all that's all April and I need, to miss our flight. I unlocked the door to the hotel room and tucked April in, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She was sprawled out and I didn't wanna disturb her, so I took the couch.

AJ Lee's POV;
-Next Day-
I woke up at 6 expecting to see Dean beside me. I looked around and didn't see him. I rose out of bed and ran into the main part of the hotel room to see him sleeping on the couch. I sighed and went to get ready.
I changed into a black long sleeve with a skull on it, red skinny jeans and white hightop converse. I packed my suitcase and looked at the time. 7:00am. I walked back out where Dean was still sleeping and tapped his shoulder. I groaned and pounced on him, making him scream. He stood up with me on his back and I giggled. "Your lucky I love you too much." Dean joked as I got off him. "Me too, pretty boy. Now go get ready." I lightly pushed him towards the bathroom and he stumbled, giving me a playful glare.

We boarded the plane and I laid my head on Dean's shoulder, trying to fall asleep so the flight can go by quicker.
I looked over at Dean to see his face rubbed against the window. I smiled and fell asleep against his arm.

After we landed, we checked into the hotel we were staying at. While Dean was inspecting the room, my phone repeatedly buzzed. I furrowed my eyebrows and checked the caller ID. Triple H. I pressed 'Answer'.
*Phone Convo*
T- ah, hello Ms.Mendez!
A- hey, Hunter.
T- i called you because there has been a last minute booking for you and Dean to have a signing at 12.
A- WHAT?!? We just got off a flight and its 11:30!!
T- well than you better be on your way. The address is at the arena our house show is tonight. Thank you, Champ.
*Phone Call Ends*
I groaned and pulled myself up, prepared to tell Dean and have to face his tantrum.

Surprisingly, Dean took it better than I thought. Took him only the ride there to calm down. He gets worked up easily. We arrived at the destination with only 5 minutes to spare. We sprinted in and sat down at the assigned table. Good thing i remembered my title. I placed it next to my name card. At 12, the security let all the fans through and my hand was fastly signing anything the fans gave me to sign.

"Can I have a quick selfie with you guys?" A girl asked, wearing one of my 'Love Bites' shirt and a Dean Ambrose jacket. "Sure!" I smiled for the picture while Dean put his tongue out. The girl thanked us and we signed some posters for her. She left and I collapsed on the chair, tired out. Dean stood up, stretching before walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" I asked, walking towards him with my title perched on my shoulder.

"Getting food." He answered. I playfully rolled my eyes. Typical Ambrose.

[so it's the first day of 2015 whoop whoop! Next chapter will be the New Years party + there will be a lot of drama lol😅 thanks for reading!!]

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