Chapter 25

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AJ Lee's POV;
I woke up and got dressed, eager to meet with Paige today. After I took a shower, I changed into skinny jeans, a Walking Dead shirt and grey leather jacket. I slid on my grey hightop converse. I brushed my hair and left a note to Dean saying where I was going. Actually, I don't even know where I'm meeting Paige. I took out my phone and texted her, instantly getting a response back.
Paige- starbucks, there's one around the block
I grabbed my keys and room card, shutting the door and walking to my rental.

At Starbucks, I waited in line and ordered coffees for us. I sat at an empty table, sipping my coffee. When Paige arrived she took the coffee and started explaining her plan. "Will all of this work?" I ask. "Oh yes.." She trailed off, giving me one of her evil smirks.

Paige's POV;
AJ and I were already at the arena, looking at our costumes for tonight. We were dressing up as the Bella Twins for our tag match because we know they're gonna come out, which gives us a chance to attack them, so..I just hope this plan works out. AJ was dressed up as Nikki and I was dressed up as Brie. "If this doesn't work I'm blaming it on you." AJ commented, changing into her outfit. "It's going to work because all my plans work." I pointed out. She rolled her eyes and I started getting dressed.
AJ was wearing Nikki's 'Fearless Nikki' top, her red shorts with a blanket stuffed inside so it can match Nikki's butt. She was wearing the 'Fearless Nikki' socks, the shoes and the SnapBack. The Divas Title was perched on her shoulder and she stuffed fake inplants in the top to make it look like Nikki's chest.
For my outfit I was wearing the cut 'Brie Mode' shirt, cut red leather pants, red flannel tied around my waist and red boots. I also added the 'Brie Mode' headband. AJ and I also put on some of the Bella's bracelets and necklaces. I looked on the TV as Nattie and Summer were in the ring. AJ and I walked to the gorilla and had them play the music, making people confused.
You can Look but you Can't Touch!
You keep dreaming on the Stars Above...
AJ and I walked out, doing the Bella spin incorrectly, making the crowd laugh. Summer and Nattie were trying hard not to laugh. AJ held her title up just like Nikki did. We stood on the apron and we both rolled inbetween the ropes, trying to master the Bella Flip. I chanted some 'Yes's!' To the crowd, making them riled up. AJ started out with Nattie and I stood on the apron.

AJ Lee's POV;
I gotta admit, Paige's plan was good this time. I took the SnapBack off and placed my title on the apron. Nattie and I locked up. I jumped on her, performing the sleeper hold. She fell to her knees and I let go of the hold. I slapped her before tagging in Paige or 'Brie'. Paige headbutted Nattie a few times before kneeing her in the gut.

She positioned herself on the top rope just as Nattie was turning around. "BRIE MODE!!" She yelled, missile drop kicking Nattie. She pinned her but she picked out on 2. Paige picked Nattie up and did the Bella Buster to win. I slid in the ring and held Paige's hand. We hugged and I grabbed Summer, performing the RackAttack which was hard considering Summer was like WAY taller and weighed more than me. I picked up my SnapBack and placed it on my head. I raised the Divas Title in the air just as The Bella Twins came out.

Paige and I grinned at each other, happy that her plan is in action. They slid in the ring and it was a brawl. Eventually I was thrown out of the ring and the Bella's started attacking Paige. I slid in the ring, as an idea popped in my head. I reached inside my 'Fearless Nikki' top, grabbing one of the implants. Brie turned around and I repeatedly hit her with it. I rackattacked Brie just as Nikki turned around, distracted by the noise. I threw an implant in her face, making her turn around. By then Paige was recovered and gave a hard kick to Nikki's jaw.

I raised hands with Paige as Nikki rolled out of the ring.

We went backstage and I walked to me and Dean's locker room. I haven't seen him all day so I skipped in and jumped in his lap. "Hey shortstack, I really enjoyed watching you out there. You looked hot." Dean whispered in my ear. I blushed and kissed him. Bray Wyatt came out and Dean immediately focused on the screen. I hopped off his lap and changed into my street clothes.

"I'll be at catering, good luck and don't get hurt." I pecked Dean's lips as he walked to the curtain. I propped my title on my shoulder and skipped to Catering. I pulled my phone out and texted Paige.
Me- hey paigypoo meet me @ catering bc i wanna tell u something!!
Paige- kk lemme just change bc this costume is uncomfortable lol😂
Me- I know I just changed out of Nikki's. I hated being fake..💁😂
Paige- haha see you in a lil bit
I shut my phone off and grabbed some food waiting for Paige.

She finally arrived wearing her usual black clothes. She sat down and I said the thing she probably wasn't expecting.

Nikki Bella's POV;
After I slipped on my grey cardigan, I put on my black heels. I messed with my hair a little bit before walking out of my hotel room. We were filming some screens for Total Divas today. I walked down to the lobby and saw Paige and Seth laughing at something AJ said. I saw Dean wrap his arms around AJ's waist and it made me wish I had a boyfriend. But Paige had to ruin that. I walked past them, and out the hotel. I was about to get in my car when I heard a voice shout, "NIKKI WAIT UP!" I turned around and saw Paige.

I rolled my eyes and got in my car. She banged on the window and it was starting to attract everybody's attention. I groaned and rolled the window down. "What do you want? Coming here to steal my car?" I shot angrily. "Why would I do that?" She replied. "You seem to steal everything I have." I answered, crossing my arms. "Well I'm not. I'm here to tell you something. Personally I hate AJ! I'm only working with her because she's the divas champion and maybe I could get a title shot!" Now that shocked me. They were like, buddy buddy.

"How do I know your not tricking me? Prove it." I told her, getting out of my car. "Okay, I'll do whatever." She shrugged. "Go in there right now and slap her. Then, we'll talk." I ordered, following her inside.

I hid closely so I could see what was going on. I saw Paige walk up to AJ who was making jokes with Dean. She tapped AJ's shoulder and when she turned around, she got brutally slapped. I grinned as Seth and Dean helped AJ up, giving Paige the 'ARE YOU CRAZY?' look. She brushed them off and walked over to me. "Welcome, friend." I squealed, giving her a hug.

I watched as AJ got dragged over to the elevators, while I kept thinking of ways to completely destroy AJ.

AJ Lee's POV;
"She bought it? Wow. And good slap by the way." I high fived Paige. Yep, we planned this so Paige can find out all of Nikki's ideas. She's still dating Seth, secretly. And we're still buddies, secretly. "I'm excited for this plan to actually get started." Paige giggled, leaning into Seth. I smiled and watched as Dean set up for video games.

"So, who's up to get their ass kicked?" Dean smugly said, holding up 2 controllers. "Me! And in your dreams." Seth raised his hand. Seth absolutely sucked at video games. Paige and I watched as the boys played 2K15. "Your gonna be walking on a thin line when Nikki finds out this was all a setup." I told Paige. She was about to answer but her phone rang. She picked it up and showed me it. It said 'Nikki😒' on the screen. She walked to another room and I sighed.

In the end, Dean won because Seth sucked. Paige left early because she said Nikki needed to talk to her about some plans they have. Seth left after we ordered pizza and Dean and I were watching Walking Dead.
"You and Paige always think of these creative plans." Dean said as he stroked my hair.
I shrugged. "We're cool." Dean scoffed. "Yeah okay shortstack." I turned and looked at him.

He gave me his smile that showed off his dimples, because she knows that's my weakness. Argh, damn. I fake pouted and turned the other way. I peeked a look at Dean who was watching the TV and eating fried chicken.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked, stealing a piece. "KFC, duh." He rolled his eyes. "Who bought it? It wasn't there before." I pointed out. "Shortstack, I'm Dean Ambrose. I find a way to get everything, especially food." He looked at me one last time before returning his attention to the TV.

"What am I gonna do with you Ambrose?" I asked, stealing another piece of chicken. He playfully growled at me. "I don't know, you tell me. Your obviously the mature one in this relationship." He told me. I raised an eyebrow. "You really wanna go there?" I stood up with my arms crossed, tapping my foot. He did the same except he was holding the fried chicken basket.

"I'm already there, shortstack."
[well im back to school and ugh😒 hope you like the chapter + OMG it's gonna get a lot more exciting the next few chapters so stay tuned👽]

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