Chapter 27 PART 1

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AJ Lee's POV;
I was fuming as I stormed down the hallway. I ran out to the ring and held Dean's hand as the medics came out with a stretcher. I followed them backstage until they got Dean loaded into the ambulance. "I'm gonna go get our stuff! Love you!" I shouted as the door closed. I watched the ambulance drive off before running back into the arena. I grabbed our bags and headed to the parking lot.

"Tell Dean to have a swell recovery!" A sly voice called out from behind. I turned around slightly to see Seth smirking at me. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I walked over to where he was standing and stood infront of him. "Sure, I'd love too." I smiled sweetly. He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. I raised my hand and slapped him hard in the face. He stumbled back and I chuckled before walking to my car.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me the room number that Jonathan Good is in?" I asked the receptionist nicely. "Um, lemme check..." She trailed off, looking at the computer screen. "There's no patient under the name Jonathan Good." The nurse replied. Crap, I forgot he didn't like using his actual name.."Oh I'm sorry, I meant Dean Ambrose." She nodded and searched the computer again. "Room number 337." She smiled. I thanked her and walked towards the elevators.

-Later On-
"Dean, do you need help?" I asked, as Dean stood up from the bed. He waved me off with his hand and walked into the bathroom. I sighed. He will always be stubborn.. "Am I interrupting anything?" A voice called from the door. I looked and saw it was Roman. "No, Dean just went to the bathroom, come on in." I motioned him in. He took a seat next to me and looked at me. "How is he?" "Doing better than expected. But, we haven't heard from the doctor yet." I said. We heard a bang, and we both jumped up, looking at each other, before sprinting to the bathroom. I pounded on the door, screaming Dean's name. The door opened and we both stumbled inside the bathroom, looking right at Dean.

"Are you okay?" We both asked. Dean smirked before laughing. "I never really fell. Just hit the wall. I wanted to see if I freaked you guys out. Worked." He said in-between laughs. I sighed and watched as Roman groaned. He went to sit back down, as I hugged Dean tight. "I'm glad you didn't really fall." I whispered in his chest. He stroked my hair gently before kissing my head.

-Next Day-
I woke up on the uncomfortable hospital couch, and stretched. I looked over at Dean and saw him gone. I shot up and looked around the room. I went out in the hallway and saw him arguing with one of the doctors. I walked towards them and they both turned towards me. "WHAT YOUR SAYING IS BULLSHIT!" Dean screamed at the doctor, making us jump. "Listen Mr.Ambrose, I'm very sorry that your badly injured, but there is nothing I, or anybody else can do about it. Have a good day." The Doctor smiled and walked off. I looked at Dean who was mumbling curse words under his breath.

I gently touched his arm, making his face softer. He looked towards me, cupping my face in his hands. "I love you so much shortstack." Dean murmered, before kissing me. I smiled throughout the kiss.

Once we pulled away, Dean looked away. "What's wrong, babe?" I asked. "Since I'm injured because of those scumbags, I'm out of action for a few weeks." Dean struggled to say. I grabbed his arm gently, "We'll get through this together." I reassured. He nodded and we walked back to his room hand in hand.

-A Few Weeks Later, Monday Night RAW-
I performed a flying DDT to Brie and locked in the Black Widow. Brie struggled against my grip, trying not to tap, but she did. I let go of her and grabbed my title, giving it a kiss. I raised it in the air and blew Nikki and Brie a kiss. I skipped backstage and saw Dean waiting for me, a neck brace around his neck. I embraced him in a hug and kissed him quick.

"Good job out there shortstack." Dean mumbled against my neck. "Well, what'd the doctor say?" I ask, as we walked down the hall. "Well, a few more weeks of this stupid thing,-" he pointed to his brace. "And than i can compete!" He raised his hands up in the air.

I laughed and followed Dean into the locker room. I grabbed my street clothes and took a shower quick. After, I changed into my street clothes and hooked my title around my waist. I walked back out to Dean who was playing on his phone. "Ready babe?" I asked, making his head pop up. We held hands as we both walked out to the parking lot. We both waved to some fans who were hanging around after the show.

"Dean, Doc needs to give you some medical records now." Roman said, coming up to us. "Okay, wait here short stack, it'll only take a minute." He kissed the top of my head before disappearing into the building with Roman. I continued walking to the car since it was cold out.

"Well look what we have here. My lil, crazy chick." I stopped in my tracks. I turned around and scowled. "Nice to see you too, Punk." I snarled. "Awe babe don't be like that." He walked towards me. "Why are you even here?" Punk stopped when he was infront of me and he bent down to my level. "I'm here because I want to try and reconnect what we used to have."

I stopped breathing literally when Punk brought his hand up and caressed my cheek. He moved extra strands of hair behind my ear and looked straight in my eyes. "I-I we can't." I finished. "No, babe. We can. Ambrose isn't good for you. Unlike me, I can give you whatever you want. I know there's a spark somewhere between us." Punk gazed to my lips constantly.

I don't know what made me do it, maybe lust? But, I grabbed Punk's neck by my hand and pulled him towards me. I connected our lips and instantly felt a little bit of what we used to have. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes. Punk's arms were around my waist, gripping my jacket. It was like we were in the moment where we didn't hear anybody come out, or something.

We both stopped kissing and looked into each other's eyes. I smiled at him and he winked at me. We heard a throat clear and we both turned our heads. I pried myself off Punk and looked down. "Look what we have here." Dean bitterly spoke.. I watched as Punk started saying something...

[just got done watching Smackdown + omg it was good! sorry about the short chapter, just didn't know what to write. so here's part 1 + part 2 will be uploaded Monday or something since I don't have school.]

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