Chapter 15

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Dean Ambrose's POV;
-2 weeks later-
Kaitlyn talked nonstop on the WHOLE vacation. She even talked about her brothers bad rash down "there". I was very glad when our vacation ended. But, I was also very happy to spend sometime alone with April. Now it was Monday and April and I arrived to the arena early to get her checked by the doctor. I grabbed April's hand and she smiled up at me.
We walked in the medics room and April sat on one of the beds. I laid on the other one and we waited for the doctor.
"That's good news what the doc said. You can compete now." I kissed the top of April's head as we walked out of the medics room. "I know. I'm excited to break some Divas tonight." She laughed. I smiled, but had this feeling something bad was going to happen.

AJ Lee's POV;
Dean and I walked back to our locker room and I unzipped my duffle bag, taking out my title. I snatched my phone from Dean who was taking selfies. He shot me a dirty look and I stuck my tongue out. I went on Twitter and uploaded a pic of the title and my name embroidered on it.
@WWEAJLee- love @ first bite💖
I shut my phone off and grabbed my clothes to change into. I emerged from the bathroom wearing pink shorts, my new black 'Love Bites' shirt, my knee socks and grey knee converse. I slid on my wristbands and bracelets. Dean turned the TV on and I snapped my head up when I heard that stupid theme song.
You can look but you can't touch, you keep dreaming on the stars above...
Nikki emerged from the curtain, with Brie trailing behind her. "Well, I hope AJ is making a fast recovery, wanna make sure your all rested up for Next Week, when we have our title match." Nikki shook her hat off and made Brie hold the ropes down.

I stood up, snapping my title around my waist. Dean looked up at me, changing into his attire."Promo." He chuckled. I winked and walked to the curtain.
Let's light it up, light it up light it tonight, Let's light it up...
I skipped to the ring, clutching onto a mic. I unhooked my title and kissed it, before wiping my feet on the apron. I slung my title around my waist and gave a small wave to Nikki. "Thanks for the concern, Nikki. For your information, I'm doing just fine. Perfectly cleared to wrestle, actually." I shrugged, and the crowd cheered.
"Listen AJ and listen good. I don't play games, I am the game. Next week, I will walk out divas champion. Simple as that." Nikki smirked. "You think that the divas title is just some accessory, well it's not. I worked my entire career for this, and I'm not about to let some fake plastic, pathetic excuse of a Diva." I coughed, "That's You." Nikki gasped and Brie held her back.

"You will never be able to touch this. You will never be able to call yourself Divas Champion. That's reality." I dropped the microphone and raised my title high. Nikki scoffed and left the ring with Brie. I slid out of the ring, and went around slapping fans hands. I skipped backstage, holding my title up.
I went backstage and Dean ran up to me, scooping me in his arms. I giggled and pecked his lips. "You know, Nikki has a match tonight..I know that crazy mind of yours is thinking of something.." Dean murmured, as we walked back to the locker room. "My wheels are spinning." I replied, lying my title on the couch. "You, me tomorrow date." He demanded. "Obviously." I shrugged.
Dean wiggled his eyebrows and headed out to his match against Mark Henry.
-After His Match-
I grinned as Dean raised his hand, yelling at the crowd. Mark took out the ref, so Dean won by disqualification. But, he made sure to throw Mark through a table, hit him with chairs and bury him with a ladder. My little lunatic boy.

Nikki Bella's POV;
I kicked Alicia in the jaw and put her on my shoulders, giving her the RackAttack. I hooked her leg, waiting for the ref to announce me as the winner. Instead, 'Let's Light It Up' played. AJ skipped out to the ring, holding the divas title tightly to her chest. Soon, that's going to be mine. I jumped off of Alicia and watched AJ. I motioned to Brie who tackled AJ. Brie kicked her in the gut and threw her in the barricade. I smirked and raised my hand as the crowd booed. I quickly bent down to pin Alicia, but she tripped me with her foot. I held my face and bent on my knees, recovering. In a few seconds, I felt Alicia's legs come down on my back, and turn me over.

I couldn't kick out, so Alicia ended up winning. I turned myself over and slowly sat up. Alicia's back was too me, and I Dropkicked her. She stumbled, so I grabbed her hair and dragged her down. I looked at Brie who was standing over AJ. I yelled Brie's name and her head snapped over. She smirked and slid in the ring, giving one last look at AJ who was knocked out.

We began our 2 on 1 attack. I bent down, and clutched Alicia's face. She pushed me and I stumbled back. Brie kicked Alicia and did the Bella Buster, her finisher. I ran my hands through my hair and turned Brie around. She threw her hands up, confused. I was so sick of her, her attitude, her idea that I WASNT BECOMING DIVAS CHAMPION!!
I gave her a hit on the jaw and delivered the RackAttack. Brie laid there, motionless. Just then I felt a pain shoot through me. I felt guilty. I was cheating on John with Randy. I was horrible. I betrayed my sister, boyfriend, friends and even family. I was such a different person back then compared to now. Even my fans hated me. I was disgusted with myself.

I turned around to leave, but AJ gave me a roundhouse kick. I went down on the mat, holding my face. AJ grabbed me and gave me a DDT off the top rope. AJ's music played and I squinted to see her raising her title above me. I groaned and turned my head to see Brie had recovered and was just watching AJ. Doing nothing! Really? Looks like I'll have to do my own thing.

AJ Lee's POV;
As soon as I went backstage, Nattie, Naomi, Emma, John, Seth, Roman, and Dolph told me congrats. It was weird, Wasn't John dating Nikki? I'll find out later. I trailed off to the locker room and it was empty. I frowned. I went to sit on the couch when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I squealed and heard Dean chuckle. I turned around and Deans lips basically attacked me with kisses. I giggled, "Dean your acting like I won the lottery or something." "I wish, but this is a close second." He joked. I wrapped my legs around his waist and gave him a hug. " I love you."

"Love you too, shortstack."

-Next Day-
Dean Ambrose's POV;
So far I had everything planned out for today. I was taking April to a trampoline park, then we were going to the comic store. And obviously I was taking her out tonight. April was in the shower while I was planning everything. April walked out and I smiled. "Ready?" "As always." She laughed. I grabbed the keys and held April's hand as we walked to my car. "So,where are we going now?" She asked, jumping into the car. "You'll have to wait and see." I smirked, knowing She hates surprises. "Dean..." She pouted. "That's my name." I joked. She glared at me and I held my hands up. Her eyes widened at the road. "Your gonna get us killed. And if I die, I'm suing you in heaven." April giggled.
[theree! hope ya guys like it. Thanks so much for over 2k reads!! ILY ALL SO MUCH!!!]

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