Chapter 24

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AJ Lee's POV;
"You don't think this is too much?" I asked Dean as I looked in the mirror at my dress. "Nah, you look good in it so." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes. I was wearing a short tight white dress with converse. Dean decided to wear jeans and a plain white shirt. He added a leather jacket and he I looked at the time. 9:00pm. "Let's go, party started at 5." I pushed Dean out the door and we headed to the party location.

We walked in and I noticed Paige, Seth, Roman and Brie in a corner. I tugged Dean along and we walked towards them. I smiled at the sight of Paige and Seth. They were really a cute couple. I lightly hit Roman's arm. "When did you guys start dating? I thought she was with Bryan?" I asked, noticing Brie nuzzled up to Roman. "Bryan cheated on her and we've gotten closer. Taking steps though." Roman kissed her cheek and I smiled.

The rest of the night was everybody eating, dancing, drinking and playing some fun games. We had only 30 minutes left until 12:00 and I couldn't wait to share my New Year's kiss with Dean. I was on the dance floor with Brie when Dean came up to me. "Gonna head to the bathroom, be back in a sec." He told me before disappearing through the crowd.

It was 11:50 and Dean hasn't shown up yet. I was starting to get worried and curious to see where he was. I left the dance floor and walked outside. I heard yelling and ran around the corner to see Punk and Dean fighting each other. "GUYS STOP IT!!" They didn't listen so I went up and tried pulling Dean back. He shrugged me off and continued fighting Punk. I ran back inside and grabbed Roman, Seth, Paige and Brie. They followed me outside and were shocked at the bloody mess of Dean and Punk. Roman and Seth ran into the big mess.

The girls and I looked at each other before following them. I jumped on Punk's back, punching his face. He screamed when I punched his eye. Brie was holding Punk's feet down. Paige was ontop of Dean's back, helping the boys pull him off. I was literally clinging onto Punk, hoping he'd release his grip on Dean. We were all yelling and fighting that we didn't notice Vince, Stephanie and the other McMahon's standing there. Along with pretty much everybody from WWE. Vince cleared his throat and all our heads turned towards him. Frozen. It didn't look good for us. I mean, Brie and I were literally trying to pull Punk limb from limb. Dean and Punk were bloody messes, Paige, Roman and Seth were trying to pull Dean back.

"ALL OF YOU, IN MY OFFICE NOW!!" Vince yelled. I cleared my throat, "I mean technically it didn't involve us. Only Punk and Dean, sir." I exclaimed. "Then tell me why all of you are ontop of someone?!" I looked down. Vince pointed to his house and I got off Punk. We all walked slowly to his house, not saying a word.
"Am I supposed to believe that?" Vince asked Brie. "Yes sir, April was the one who found Dean and Punk. She got us to try and help break them apart. Everything was misunderstood." She explained. Vince looked at all of us. "Dean and Punk, you both are suspended for all of next week's shows. Don't even think about coming during that time. As for the rest of you, I won't hesitate to do the same to you as well." We all nodded.

-A few Days Later-
Paige's POV;
It was RAW and I was paying close attention to Nikki's match. She was against AJ, and obviously Nikki had the upper hand because Brie was ringside and she always distracts Nikki's opponents. I sat up from the bench in the Divas Locker Room and walked to the curtain. My music played and I walked to the edge of the ramp. Nikki had her eyes on me, allowing AJ to gain control. Brie noticed and went to help her sister.

I ran towards Brie and tackled her. I threw her over the steel steps considering I'm not here for her. The ref was outside the ring checking on Brie so after AJ kicked Nikki in the face, I performed the Paige-Turner to her. I slipped out of the ring before the ref could see me. AJ won the match and I raised her hand. I may have forgotten about Brie, because when I turned around, she slapped me. I fell and Brie held me as Nikki rack attacked AJ. She held the title, mocking AJ by skipping around her. Brie threw me towards Nikki and she rack attacked me as well.

I laid on the mat, watching as Nikki held AJ's title in her hands. "Have fun with my sloppy seconds, Paige." Nikki yelled. I slowly rose to my feet and lended a hand to AJ. She immediately ran backstage, trying to get her 'baby' back. I chuckled and walked after her, slapping some fans hands.
Now I know that Nikki was being serious. Well let the games begin.

AJ Lee's POV;
It felt weird not having Dean waiting for me in our locker room. I managed to get my 'baby' back after I found it in the Divas Locker Room given to me by Emma. I changed back into my street clothes and packed my bag, eager to get home to Dean. My phone buzzed, making me pick it up.

Unknown- you did good out there, good job on the win. P.S. This is Dean's new #
Me- oh I forgot you got a new # bc a bunch of fan girls kept texting you😂
Unknown- don't remind me. Anyways, you got a lot on your hands. Nikki, Brie, and Paige.
Me- paige and I are friends doof😑
Unknown- ok just keep an eye on her, she may be trying to get a title your probably fighting one of the Bella Twins for the title at the next PPV.
Me- no really? Couldn't it be more obvious?
Unknown- ...
Me- I'm gonna go, RAW just ended, ilyy❤️
Unknown- love you too, Shortstack😘

I exited the locker room, heading for the parking lot. "Where you going so soon?" A cocky voice questioned. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Nikki. "What do YOU want? I know you follow me around everywhere because I'm obviously way better than you." I shrugged. "That's far from it. Actually, I came to make a statement to you and Paige. Don't underestimate Nikki Bella." She smirked. I was hit in the back of the head and I fell.

"Or Brie Bella." Im guessing Brie said. I clutched my head as Nikki pulled me up and threw me over a table, making me hit a vending machine. I groaned and Brie kicked me in the ribs one last time before Nikki grabbed a camera from her bag. "Hey WWE Universe! Nikki Bella here! Future Divas Champion. Anyways, I'm here to make this video, directing a clear message to Paige and the rest of the divas. Including AJ. As you can see, learned that I don't joke around." She directed the camera in my direction as I was sprawled out on the floor.

"Our next statement is Paige. So watch out because you never know when the Bella Twins are gonna pop up!" She blew a kiss before turning the camera off. "Tell your British friend I can't wait to see her." Nikki exclaimed before walking off with her sister. I slowly sat up and leaned against the wall, catching my breath.

My hands gripped my phone tightly, typing in Paige's number. It rang a few times before she answered.
*Phone Convo*
A- Paige, we need to talk. Now.
P- woah, what's wrong with you?
A- Nikki and Brie basically attacked me in the damn hallway saying something about some statement. They said the next one is going to be you.
P- what do we do??
A- oh I don't know, catch fireflies??
P- it's January April..
P- sorry, uh how about we meet tomorrow before Smackdown to go over what we're gonna do for revenge.
A- okay, but nothing too predictable. We're gonna have the crowd on the edge of their seats.
P- sounds good, and sorry for the attack. We'll make up for it tomorrow.
A- good, because I'd hate to have to attack you too.
P- why would you be attacking me??
A- because your the one who's going to be coming up with the plan. Duh.
P- wait why me-
A- BYE!!
*Phone Call Ends*
I smirked and continued on my way to the parking lot.
[really boring but my break is over and i go back to school tomorrow😑 hope you guys like¡¡]

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