Chapter 5

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AJ Lee's POV;

A few days have passed since I caught Dean making out with Summer. I distanced myself from him and began hanging out with Punk more. And surprisingly, we have a lot in common. Today was RAW, and I walked into the arena and was instantly met by the chattering, gossiping divas in the locker room. "OMG did you hear about Vince's birthday? It's on Halloween!" Rosa told Nattie. I walked up to Nicole and smiled. "What's everybody talking about?" I asked,knowing Nicole had the answers to all the gossip. "Well everybody is buzzing about the fact that you and Dean aren't friends anymore." She said. "What? Who said that? I mean, we may not be talking to each other, but I think we're still friends." I replied, my anger rising every second. "Woah, April calm down. Don't listen to what anybody else thinks. But, you should go talk to him, I hear he's been looking for you." She answered, ruffling my hair then walking over to Trinity. I sighed. You know what? I'll go talk to him later. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I changed into my gray love bites shirt, my blue shorts and my gray converse. I swooped up my title and hooked it around my waist. "Ready champ?" I turned around to face Punk. "Im always ready." I smiled, as we walked along. "This is the first time we've teamed up together. We have to make it count." He spoke, as we waited at the gorilla. I nodded and licked my lips, ready for some action. I skipped out first, and unhooked my title from my waist before slipping inbetween the ropes. I slung my belt on my shoulder as Punks music played. The crowd cheered as he made his way to the ring. Of course we were facing Dean and Summer. Before the match, Summer gave Dean a long kiss and that's when I snapped. She turned around and I speared her,before smashing her head against the mat. I slipped under the refs grip and threw her out the ring. I tagged in Punk and watched them intently. My gaze moving from Punk to Dean again.
This match has been going on for awhile. Punk and Dean are in the ring, but Dean's dominating. He pulled Punk up for dirty deeds, so I yelled Deans name and he dropped Punk,coming over to me. I smiled before kissing him on the lips. I broke the kiss and skinned him around, as Punk kicked him in the face. Punk threw Dean in his corner and Summer tagged in. I tackled her and delivered some neck breakers and then a DDT. I pinned her but she kicked out on 1. I flipped my hair and climbed on the top rope. Dean grabbed my foot and pulled me down to him. "Dean, what are you doing?" I asked, as he held me close to him. Summer took this distraction and drop kicked me off the apron, sending me flying on the cold, hard floor. I'm guessing Dean joined me on the floor because I opened my eyes and saw him sprawled out. I quickly got up as Summer turned around. I did a spinning heel kick and bounced off the ropes, twisting my body into the black widow. Instantly I felt Summer slap my leg. I let go of the hold and raised my title up. Punk looked at me before I smiled, giving him a hug. The crowd "oohed" at this and we just laughed. I noticed Dean watching me, as he was helping Summer up. Punk and I walked backstage and I don't know why, but for once, I felt happy.

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