Chapter 37

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AJ Lee's POV;
I gulped down half my water, and sat down to catch my breath. I watched as Dean continued lifting weights and I almost died. Literally.

I set my water back down and got up to finish my workout.
"So tonight, did you hear?" Dean asked, setting the bar down.
"About what?" I replied, doing some stretches.
"Apparently Steph has me, you, Paige and Seth vs Nikki, John, Brie and Bryan." He looked at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"That's not a good combination." I murmur, hoping he didn't hear me.
"I know.." He said back.
-Later, RAW-
I changed into my grey Love Bites long sleeve, black shorts, knee high socks, grey knee converse and grabbed my Divas Title.
I watched as Dean finished getting ready and we both stood up to walk to the curtain.
I'm so nervous about this match..

Paige's POV;
"Just try and get along with that scumbag for one little match." I reminded myself, looking in the mirror.
I was still mad at Seth for catching him and Nikki making out at the hotel.

I just don't feel like talking to him..I mean, we're engaged still..So I kinda have too..

I groaned and walked to the curtain and saw AJ and Dean warming up.
"Hey guys, nice match we have..huh?" I joke, and AJ rolls her eyes playfully.

"I know right, are you and Seth?" She bumps me in the stomach and I stumble. "Sorry, didn't mean to bump ya that hard." She giggled.

"It's alright..and uh, we're not on good terms right now.." I trailed off, just as Seth arrived to the curtain.
AJ nodded and we all just awkwardly stood there till my music hit.

I walked out and did my usual entrance before AJ's music hit.

Dean Ambrose's POV;
I could already tell that something was gonna go wrong tonight. I could just feel it.
Seth came out last, and he brough J&J security with him.
I rolled my eyes and April nudged me.
"Behave." She muttered, and I sighed.
"I'm trying, I can't help he's a scumbag." I mumble.

The match started with me and Bryan.
We were going back and forth till I Dropkicked him and performed a DDT on him.
I pinned Bryan but he kicked out on 1 and threw me over to my corner.
I stood up just as someone slapped my arm.
I turned around and saw Seth smirking.
"That son of a-" I stopped just as I saw April giving me a glare.

Eventually AJ got tagged in and so did Nikki.
A full out brawl began and the ref was just watching it.
AJ kicked Nikki in the gut and went on the top rope.
She jumped but Nikki moved out of the way, and she landed face first.
I winced and clutched the rope tightly as Nikki pinned her.

She kicked out on 2 and I sighed of relief.
She managed to duck Nikki's clothsline and kick her in the face, creating separation. AJ stumbled over to our corner, almost tagging in Paige when Paige was pulled off the apron and hit her head off the steel steps.
Before I knew it, the same thing happened to me.
I looked and saw it was J&J who did it.
April tried tagging in Seth but he jumped off the apron and retreated backstage with J&J.
I was still out of it, so I couldn't tag myself in.
I pulled myself up and wobbly slid in the ring to help April up who was knocked out.
Paige joined us and we walked backstage while Nikki, Brie, Bryan and John were all celebrating.

"I kinda thought something like this would happen.." Paige trailed off, as we reached the doctor.
"What can you expect? It's Seth Rollins for crying out loud." I joked.
[sorry for boring chapter, but idek i didn't have any ideas for this one, so sorry..but I hope you guys liked it still😂🙌 ]

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