Chapter 39

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AJ Lee's POV;
FastLane. The day that everyone was waiting for. I would be fighting Paige for MY Divas Title, and Dean would be fighting Punk for his title. We both had big matches that we both couldn't lose.
"I'm gonna to go the Divas LockerRoom instead, so I'll see you before my match." I kissed Dean and walked to the Divas Locker Room.
I set my bags down and grabbed my Divas Title out of my bag. I looked at it, and I knew that I couldn't lose tonight.
I slung it around my shoulder and decided on going to catering. I saw Kaitlyn and Nattie at a table, so I grabbed a chair and sat next to Kaitlyn.
"Hey Apes!" She said, giving me a side hug. "Hey April." Nattie waved, and I smiled at her.
Kaitlyn nudged me and pointed to the entrance where I saw Dean and Roman walking in. I motioned for them to come over, and I got up so Dean could sit down and I sat on his lap.
Kaitlyn 'awwwed' and I rolled my eyes playfully.
I looked on the mini TV and saw that my match was next. "Shit, I gotta go." I quickly kissed Dean and waved bye to Roman, Nattie and Kaitlyn. I ran to the Divas Locker Room and quickly changed into Jean shorts, my cut Love Bites long sleeve, my knee socks and converse, and my wristbands.
I hooked my baby around my waist and sprinted to the curtain to see Paige walking out.
I jumped up and down, as my music hit. I skipped out and smirked at the crowd, slapping some fans hands on the way to the ring. I kissed my baby and slid in the ring, raising it up above me. Paige eyed it while I handed it to the ref and he raised it up.
The bell rang and Paige tackled me to the ground, head butting me and throwing some punches. She threw me in the corner and once I got up to my feet, she kicked me, sending me down to the mat.
I heard the red counting, and I knew that I worked too hard to win this, so I quickly kicked out, and Paige growled.
She dragged me up by my hair, and set me up for the Rampaige, but i countered and did a DDT instead. I rolled her up but she powered out at 2. I climbed on the top rope and delivered a flying cross body to her.
I didn't bother pinning her, since I knew it wasn't enough to knock her out. I bounced off the ropes and connected my knee with her face. I hooked her leg, but by mistake we were by the ropes so she laid her leg on the bottom rope.
I groaned and wiped some of the sweat off my forehead. I waited till she got up, and set her up for the Black Widow.
She was about to tap, when Brie Bella's music played and she came out. I continued the hold, probably doing it tighter then I should have. I waited till I felt Paige's hand slapping against my leg, then I let go of her. The crowd cheered as I was handed my title.
I raised it in the air and turned around to get knocked down. I knew it wasn't Paige since she was still recovering from my hold. Whoever attacked me pulled me up and put me on their shoulders. Nikki. She dropped to her knees and stood over me, holding MY title.
I turned my head and saw Brie delivered the Bella Buster to Paige. I sighed, as I watched the Bella's standing over us, proud smirks on their faces.
-Later On-
After I headed to the Doc to check for any injuries, I headed to Dean's locker room. I saw him pacing, probably giving himself a pep talk before his match. He noticed me coming in and quickly wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my neck. "Are you okay?" He mumbled, and I nodded. I kinda figured the Bella's were gonna come out, I just didn't expect Nikki to plan a sneak attack. "But on the bright side, I retained." I changed the subject, and Dean looked up at me, smiling.
"Congrats, shortstack. I knew you were anyways." He pecked my lips, and I laughed.

"Now it's time for you to do the same." I whispered, before giving him one last kiss. "Oh I will, trust me babe." He said, before grabbing his title and walking out. I sat down on the couch and watched on the TV. Cmon babe.

Dean Ambrose's POV;
I made my way to the ring, smirking at the fans cheers. I raised my title in Punks face and blew him a kiss. I gave my title to the ref who raised it before the bell rang. I clotheslined Punk and punched him, making him back into the corner. I spit in his eye, before the ref held me back, allowing Punk to kick me in the face.
I shook off the feeling, before tackling Punk down, giving him punches till I was dragged off by the stupid ref.
Punk got to his knees and I Dropkicked him before bouncing off the ropes and ducking Punks attempt for a punch. I did my rope-thingy,(😂) before throwing him out of the ring.
I went on the top rope and flew down on him, making him land on the barricade. The fans cheered, and I pulled Punk in the ring. I grabbed him and got ready for Dirty Deeds, but he pushed me off and did the Sleeper Hold.
I fell to my knees, before Punk released and locked in something else. The Anaconda Vise. Shit. I growled in pain, trying not to tap. When I was on the verge of tapping, a theme song blared and out walked a stupid sellout. Seth Rollins. Punk released his submission on me, allowing me to gain some energy.
Seth had grabbed a mic by now, and he brought it to his lips.
"By now Punk, you should've realized that your not the Face of the WWE. I am. And to prove that, well, I'll do it tonight." He dropped the mic and ran down to the ring, getting on the apron. Jamie and Joey distracted the ref so Seth hit Punk with his briefcase, causing him to fall backwards.
I grabbed him and quickly hit my finisher. By now the ref was focused and turned around. He counted to 3 and I smirked. I grabbed my title and held it above me.
I looked and saw Seth was in the ring, with a mic in his hands.
"I said I was gonna prove that I'm the face of the WWE, and I will. Right now." Jamie and Joey ran towards me, but I grabbed them and threw them out of the ring.
Seth hit me in the back of the head with his briefcase. Damn, he uses that a lot. The last thing I heard was Seth yelling "IM CASHING IN!" before everything went black.
[so here's the chapter, sorry if it sucks😂but i think this is one of the best chapters I've written. I'm excited for FastLane, ahh💥. But OOH seth is cashing in😏 and obviously I made AJ retain bc she's queen💖👑 hope u guys like it and next chapter is the last one😔 but don't worry there will be a sequel!😛make sure to keep voting and commenting👽✌️]

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