A/N: Books You Might Enjoy From Me!

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Hey guys! Just giving a heads up if this was the only book you think I'm only doing etc.

Currently, im getting back into writing a War Of Tears 2 book. A Gears of War 2 fanfiction Starring an OC member Adira Kor and (Y/N) (L/N). Its a story about two soldiers fighting through a war and slowly falling in love with one another, but the complication is that all the people they love were killed during the war etc. Its a dark, gruesome, fanfic with non-stop action and romance as well with drama and high tension. If you would like to know more, here's the description I wrote for the book.

" After the events of Gears of War 1, two new members are recruited into Delta Squad. A 29 Year old man named (Y/N) (L/N). And a 26 Year old woman named Adira Kor. They both have feelings for one another, but they're either to afraid to admit it, or to busy fighting in the war they are in. (Y/N) and Adira have always been close to one another. Will they finally find the right moment to confess their feelings? Or will they meet their inevitable doom while bottling up a feeling they can never get rid of? Found out now in Wars Of Tears. A gears of war fanfiction. "

If you enjoyed the description and is interested checking out the book, be sure to go on my profile and look for (War of Tears 2 (Gears of War x Male Reader) ) fanfic title to get yourself started!


Another book I'm started to currently work on is my RWBY fanfic called "Quiet Flames Volume 1" and it follows a young man named "(Y/N) Xiao Long)" the younger brother of "Yang Xiao Long" but the older Half-brother of "Ruby Rose". If you want more info, here's a description on the book I wrote as well.

" This is a story of a man named (Y/N) Xiao Long, the younger brother of Yang Xiao Long, but older brother of his half sibling Ruby Rose. Join these group of siblings on the quest of being the best Huntress/Hunstman they can be. Will they suceed in their quest? Will they be able to find friendship along the way? Or even better, will (Y/N) Xiao Long find love along the way? (Re-Vamped) "

Once again if you enjoyed the description be sure to check out my RWBY fanfic on my profile! That's all I have to say for today sorry for the self-promoting, I just want to see those books get the same amount of love as this book so yea. Anyways I hope you all have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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