Chapter 15: Moving In With Amelia!?

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Hey guys! I'm feeling a lot better now! So imma try too get back into publishing chapters consistently if I could! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Also, ive been busy as well so there will be slow updates in the future, so bear with me!

( No-one's POV )

It was early morning, and (Y/N) was getting ready too move in with Amelia. (Remember after every chapter equals a Week or a Month depending which one yall wanna do). (Y/N) got everything he needs in a box ready to be moved into Ame's house.

(Y/N): I'm gonna miss this place... but atleast I'll have Amelia too keep me company..

He says too himself as he starts moving the boxes into his BMW. He put his boxes in the back of the trunk and some in the back seat and then the passenger since no-one was gonna sit their and his stuff barely managed to fit in his car. He brung his T.V., Speakers, his Gaming System a Xbox Series X and a PS5, and other important things he had too bring like his gaming pc etc.

He said his final goodbyes too his house and took off heading towards Amelia's house. A couple of hours later he finally made it too Ame's house, he parked his car in the driveway and hopped out of his car. He knocked on the door, and the door opens showing Ame in her most Casual clothing ever wearing a Dark black muscle shirt and some baggy jeans but her hair was still perfect as ever.

Amelia: (Y/N)!!

She yells out and jumps onto (Y/N) giving him a big hug and then kissed him on the lips. She was happy too see (Y/N) again finally. Amelia still was wrapped around (Y/N) as he kept her holding up right.

(Y/N): Missed me that much huh?

Amelia: Shut up, (Y/N) and accept my love and appreciation!

(Y/N): Hehe, I was joking. I love you too.

Amelia finally gets off of (Y/N) and looks behind him as she didnt see and luggage that he brung.

Amelia: You didnt bring anything with you just in case you know you need it?

(Y/N): I did, their in the car. Wanna help me out?

Amelia: Sure!

Amelia then helped out (Y/N) moving in his things into Ame's house, (Y/N) has put all of his clothing into the closet in the bed room that they now sleep together in. And (Y/N) placed his T.V. in the bedroom as well as she only had one T.V. and that was in the living room. Then connected his Xbox Series X in the bedroom and his PS5 in the living room. And placed his speakers in the bedroom as well.

Amelia finally helped (Y/N) moved his stuff in, he went too the driveway and locked his door just in case. Finally, (Y/N) and Amelia spent their whole day just being together, watching old cartoons and playing video games. Then it was getting late.

(Y/N): *Yawns* I'm tired as heck, wanna go too bed?

Amelia: You're already tired? Man you're weak...

(Y/N): Its not my fault I wasted half of my energy moving boxes all day.

Amelia: Yea yea, go too sleep. I never sleep! Sleep is for the weak!

(Y/N): Mhm, sure Ame. When I wake up and see you passed out on the couch imma draw on your forehead.

Amelia: You won't!

(Y/N): Say less, watch what's gonna happen tomorrow you better stay up tonight or that forehead is mine!

Amelia: Be quiet, (Y/N)! Go too sleep like you said!

(Y/N): Yea yea alright, good night, and love ya'.

Amelia: Love you too, weakling!

After that conversation, (Y/N) gets up from the couch and gives a quick kiss on Ame's cheek and then headed up stairs too fall asleep as Amelia continued to play video games for the rest of the night.
And scene, things are getting a bit interesting now that (Y/N) and Amelia are living together! What do you guys think is gonna happen in the future chapters? Think drama between them is finally gonna happen between them? Or is there relationship is to strong for drama too happen? Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

744 Words...

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