Chapter 19: 9 Month of Detective Work

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Hey guys, so I got some news. I'll be continuing the story with Twins but their different genders. But the second question will not be pushed forward as not enough people voted. But imma leave it anyways and if people like it this way, I'll keep it this way, but of they don', I'll name them for you. And this chapter is also gonna be like some sort of time lapse montage as I'll go through all 9 month during Amelia's pregnancy, anyways I'll talk to yall at the end!

( No-one's POV )

During the first month of pregnancy, everything was considered going normal at the moment. But with Amelia being more tired than usually here and there so (Y/N) was always providing for her whenever she needs help.

During the second and third month, Amelia would accidentally lash out at (Y/N). But (Y/N) is mature enough to know that it's not her fault that she cant control her emotions at the moment. And her belly is getting a bit bigger.

During the fourth and fifth months, (Y/N) and Calli decided to go to the store together as (Y/N) was planning on getting something special after birth for Amelia who was being watched by Gura and Kiara.

During the sixth and seventh months, Amelia and (Y/N) had a little argument with each other but it was easily calmed down as they didnt want each other to be upset since they love one another so much.

During the eight month, Amelia was already in the hospital bed with (Y/N) on the side of her always watching out for her as it was almost time to give birth for her.

During the last month, Amelia was finally giving birth. The first twin that came out was the boy, then took an extra 5 minutes for the girl to come out next. They both looked very much alike with each other facial features wise as the girl had Amelia's eyes, nose, and lips. And that goes the same for the boy but he had (Y/N)'s (F/C) eye color and Amelia's eye color too with (Y/N)'s lips.

(Y/N) also remembered what he was supposed to do after she gave birthday. But he decided to wait a bit longer until their first birthday. He also decided to name his baby boy (S/N) because he thought it was a good name for him and was unique. And Amelia came up the name with (D/N) because she thought it was a good name and didn't want her to have a common name.

(Y/N) and Amelia finally went back home with their new children. They were ready for this event and already got both of them each a crib they could sleep in. They got the babies in the cribs and they went to bed themselves happy that they now finally have a family.
And scene, hope you enjoyed this chapter as it took me awhile to write. I'm gonna leave the (D/N) and (S/N) in this chapter for now until the next chapter and like I said before. If they like it that way, I'll keep it that way, but if they dont. I'll try to name them for you. I hope you enjoyed this chapter once again and as always have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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