Chapter 13: Brother and Sister Bond?

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Oi, this one is a quick bonding chapter with Gawr Gura again. But this time, instead of hanging out, Gura confesses too (Y/N) that she's been feeling really close with him lately. (Not in that way because (Y/N) is already with Ame and No I'm not doing a harem, atleast not in this book)

( No-one's POV )

It was about late afternoon. Gura and (Y/N) was hanging out once again but this time Gura was visiting (Y/N) at his house too chill over there. This was after the stream with Ame. Gura and (Y/N) were watching old spongebob episodes while chatting together, and during that time, Gura started to feel for some reason closer to (Y/N).

So during the time they were chatting. Gura decided to talk about something serious with (Y/N).

Gura: Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, Gura?

Gura: You love Ame' a lot don't you?

(Y/N): I mean... yeah she's is my girlfriend and also love her to death.

Gura: I thought so..

(Y/N) looks at Gura confusingly, so instead of slouching on the couch, he sat up right.

(Y/N): What do you mean by "I thought so?", Gura?

Gura: It's nothing...

Gura looks down and starts playing with her fingers in a nervous type of way. (Y/N) notices this and asks what's wrong once again or asking her what she meant by what she said.

(Y/N): Gura, you know you can tell me anything. Im always there for you.

Gura: Really?

(Y/N): Yes, really.

Gura took a deep breath and finally let out the feeling she's been hiding ever since she'd started feeling closer to (Y/N).

Gura: It's just... I wanna be something more then friends. But I dont know what as well to be honest. And I know we cant be "Together" together since your with Amelia, so that's out of the question.

(Y/N) looks at gura for awhile be for chuckling a bit before telling her something she haven't even thought of.

(Y/N): Aren't you my little sister?

Gura: Little sister?

(Y/N): Yeah, honestly.. I think of this group more of a Family then "A group of friends making content." So I just think of all of you as my sisters and I'm just the only brother.

Gura: Really?

(Y/N): Yes, Gura. I mean it.

(Y/N) chuckled again and gives Gura a head pat. Although she doesn't like it when (Y/N) does that, she gave in since she was feeling a little stressed.

(Y/N): Now stop worrying about things like that and let's watch some spongebob.

Gura: Heh.... alright then.

They continued to watch spongebob but also switched up shows here and there while they kept watching T.V. until it was late. (Y/N) decided to drive Gura back home since he didnt trust people around the neighborhood.

After awhile (Y/N) finally made it back to Gura's place. And (Y/N) was parked near her front door and they said their goodbye's.

Gura: Well, wanna hang out again later when we're free?

(Y/N): Sure, I dont mind hanging out with you at all. You're fun to be around with.

Gura: Hehe. Thanks you too.

(Y/N): Thanks, see you later, Gura.

(Y/N) and Gura gave each other a long hug before pulling away and then Gura hopped out of the car and then headed inside of her place. Then (Y/N) turned his car around and started driving back to his place.

After he finally made it back. He put his car back in the garage and locked his doors, he went inside of the main house and into the living room. (Y/N) really didnt feel like walking all the way to the bed since he was very tired so he just took a small blanket that was on the floor of the living room and fell asleep on the couch and waited for the next day.
And scene, sorry if this felt a little short too read. I was writing this at night which is currently 11:22PM and I'm very tired. But anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter still! And I'll talk to you all in the next chapter again!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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