Chapter 5: Minecraft with Ina?

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Already 300 views? Wtf is wrong with you people? Jk, I'm kidding. But thank you so much for all of the support these past 3 weeks! This is the most support I've gotten from any of my books in the quickest form possible. I love all of you and I hope you'll stay till the end of the story! I'll continue to talk with y'all at the end of the chapter!

( No-one's POV )

It was in the middle of the day, (Y/N) decided to grow his relationship with one of the EN members. And the first person that came to his mind was Ina. Ina and (Y/N) doesn't hate each other, there just really awkward towards each other as of because they'd never talk as much as (Y/N) does with Amelia and Gura. So (Y/N) started up a discord call and invited Ina too it. And surprisingly, Ina joined it.

(Y/N): Hey, Ina!

Ina: Hi, (Y/N)! Wassup?

(Y/N): Nothing much, to be honest. I was bored and I decided to talk wit'cha. You wanna stream Minecraft together? I think it'll be fun.

Ina: Ummm~ Yea, Sure! I'll stream minecraft with you!

(Y/N): Awesome! See you then?

Ina: You know it~!

A couple of hours later, they started up a stream together. The stream had 29k views already as this was a really wanted collab within' the Hololive community as because (Y/N) and Ina never really chatted together 1 on 1 times. So this was good for them to get to know each other.

Ina: Hi, Guys! Today is very special as I'm going to play minecraft with (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hellooo, once again everyone!

Then the chat started going wild over the fact that their finally talking with each other.

0ctopusL0ve23: Finally!

(Y/N)Virus90: (Y/N) is making a harem of his own right now.

Cann1blePh30niX: Stream would be better with the chicken tbh.

(Y/N) and Ina started up a minecraft world together. (Y/N) was tasked on building the house as Ina was tasked on collecting materials as that's what they agreed on doing before the stream.

Ina: (Y/N), Do you know how to build houses?

(Y/N): "Do I know how to build houses?!". Ina, you're talking to a minecraft veteran. I've been playing minecraft since tutorial worlds were a thing.

Ina: Tutorial Worlds?

(Y/N): Exactly.

Ina: Wow, okay.

They continued there adventures. In about 35 minutes, Ina have already found diamonds for a whole amour set for both of them surprisingly. And (Y/N) somehow built a two story house with a attic and balcony, completing the house with a storage basement in the bottom with all of the chests inside. They completed so many tasks in such little times and they were very impressed on what they accomplished.

Ina: This is the most diamond I've found out my times playing Minecraft!

(Y/N): And this is the second best house I've made within the time span of like 20 minutes which that's what it felt like.

Ina: Right? We've made so much progress!

(Y/N): High-Five!

(Y/N) says as he his Ina's Character as a way of high-fiving her. And Ina did the same thing. They played for 3 hours more and they've made a whole bunch of progress within the timespan. Ina has built a Minecave for the both of them, built with a complete railroad system inside it for quicker transport. And (Y/N) made more expansions for their house. He made a garden with wheat seeds, Watermelon seeds, and a Sugar cane field. He also made farm pins for the animals they collected. He made one for Cows, Chickens, Pigs, somehow donkeys, and finally horse pins for their 2 horses (Y/N) named his horse "Stride" and Ina named her horse "Inaorse". They decided to stop the stream here and continue next time. But before they stop it. They were gonna read the superchats.

Ina: Alrighty guys, were gonna end it here, but not without superchat time!

(Y/N)/Ina: Yaaay!

Then they finally started to read the superchats for awhile before a personal question was asked too (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thank you, JustARand0 for the $30 superchat! "Do you like/or in love with Amelia?"

Ina: Oooo~ Do you?

(Y/N): Umm... Yeeeeesss???

Then Ina started to squeal out of excitement as the chat was also going crazy from (Y/N)'s answer. They continued to read a little bit more of the superchats before finally ending the stream. But Ina and (Y/N) were in a discord call before speaking in private.

Ina: You should ask Ame out!

(Y/N): Ehh.. I dont know if I should. Besides, i don't think she even likes me back.

Ina: You'll never know unless you try, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I guess you're right. But how should I do it?

Ina: Maybe during a collab stream? Or write a song for her?

(Y/N): You think she'll like that?

Ina: Totally!

(Y/N): Alright, Guess I'll give it a shot.

Ina: I believe in you, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Thanks, Ina.
And scene, thank you so much for the support for the past 3 weeks, it really means the world to me. And if I can make atleast one person be inspired by my writing during each chapter, then that's good enough for me. I am gonna spoil it a bit as I got 25 chapters planned for the future. And 5 more chapters as an "after life" or "future life" so that's 30 chapters in total. Anyways thank you once again for the support and I hope you have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing out!

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