Chapter 21: Married To a Detective

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Hey guys! So yesterday's "A/N" was a pretty personal problem. But ever since I posted that, I've gotten a couple of positive messages from other people and I just wanted to say thank you for a the people that cared, especially Leviathan_Atlantis and Wink365 as they went out of there way to try to cheer me up as much as they can. Anyways, back to the story. I'll talk to you all at the end of the chapter! Also here's key notes.

(F/N) = Father's Name
(M/N) = Mother's Name
(ST/N) = Sister's Name
(U/N) = Uncle's Name

And for Amelia's family members name, I'm just gonna name them myself for you since 1. We don't know anything about them etc. 2. Its just easier for me and you since you also don't have to name them just your family. And 3. It's a wedding family is supposed to be there for you etc. Also, this chapter is gonna be a long one. Anyways back to the story!

( No-one's POV )

It was late afternoon, everyone was in church getting ready for (Y/N) and Amelia's wedding proposal. Amelia was with the girls and (Y/N) was with the boys. So that means (Y/N) got (S/N) with him and Amelia had (D/N) with her.

Amelia's mother was also with her the same goes for (Y/N)'s mother (no Ame isn't going to ground pound his mom). And (Y/N)'s and Amelia's father was with (Y/N). (Y/N)'s sister named (ST/N) was also with Amelia. (Basically all the guys are with each other and all the girls are with each other that's it)

( Boy's Room With (Y/N) POV's )

(Y/N) was seen trying on different suits with his 10 year old son as they wanted to wear matching suits together. Then Amelia's dad told him to come speak with him in private. They went to a room together and he spoke to him.

John: Listen, you seem like a good kid. So I'm not gonna be like those other fathers who are way too protective. But the only thing I ask for you to do is that if you hurt my baby girl in anyway shape or form. I'm not afraid to hurt you... is that understood?

(Btw, I picked the Name John for a reason, look up Sherlock Holmes sidekick and you'll see why. It's suppose to be a play on her detective type of character)

(Y/N) gulped and sweats after John's statement. And (Y/N) nodded yes out of fear as becoming the tone of his voice was scary and threatening.

John: Good, I'm glad you we understand each other! Now go get 'em tiger.

(Y/N) left the room only to see his and Amelia's family all talking to each other talking about how excited they are for the wedding. Then they noticed him and talked with him.

(F/N): My boyyyyy! Haha! (Y/N) finally found the woman of his life.

(Y/N): Yep, she means the world to me Dad. Don't know what I'll do without her.

(F/N): I remember when I use to be your age. Youth is a great thing. By the time I was in my 20's I already found the love of my life, which was your mom. But seeing you already getting married puts a smile on my face.

(Y/N): Um.. yea Dad. Anyways imma keep getting ready it's almost time.

(F/N): Before you go, go talk to Amelia's family real quick. There really great people.

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